Friday, April 04, 2008

Strawberry Boxes in the Garden

Now that I've decided where I want the boxes (Dave did have a little bit of say but he wanted me to choose the spots for the strawberries) we put down weed shield since we have a pretty bad morning glory week problem and I wanted no chance of the morning glory coming up through the new garden boxes.

We started out filling the box about a third full of compost.

And here's the main ingredient: compost (available by the truck load from our local landfill for a mere $30 per load (approximately 3 cubic feet) and it's pretty good compost for the price.

After we put down the weed blocker we moved on to compiling the various components of fill. We used mostly equal amounts of peat moss, perlite and compost with some small additions of steer manure and sand.

After the first layer of compost we added in other "ingredients" until the box was almost full.

Here's a picture of the 3 back boxes in various stages of development-weed shield to the back, partially filled in the middle and completed box in the foreground. Using these boxes we've planted numerous strawberry plants-some June bearing and some everbearing.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: