Sunday, May 22, 2011

County Shoebox Float Report

Recently the school project for the semester centered around a report on any county of the state. Summit county was chosen and the report involved making a shoebox float to display at least 3-5 important items from the chosen county. Summit county has lots of wildlife [deer, squirrels, even the occasional bear (even if the real ones are a bit bigger than the gummy ones on display)], lots of plant life (pine trees, flowers, berry bushes, etc -each side of the box has a picture of a different kind of plant/bush/tree from Summit county), the Sundance film festival is held every January in Park City (the roll of film with a "star" on it), there's recreational activities from hiking to skiing (skier) but Summit County started out with mining [the ring mounted in silver (not real silver!) and the stone to the side that's lodged in the box and is meant to represent gold mining (but it's really fool's gold!)] She considered some other items but just ran out of room on the box.

Along with the box float Daisy presented an oral report talking about her county and the items chosen for her float. She received high marks for her work!

Say, is that Mica's green precalculus book in the top left corner of the top picture? The knowledge building just never stops!

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