Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Randomness #18: The Obsolescence of Steam Rollers

So, um, yeah.  I've had these steam rollers (specifically Mist Condition Dry Hairsetter from General Electric GE) for several decades yet I was only using them about every 4-6 years.  Finally decided it was time to send them off to better pastures-especially since I'm leery about the safety and overheating issues that seemed to arise the last time I used them.

Thank you to my Aunts with long hair back in the day (whom I will not disclose to protect from age discrimination) who inspired me to get this unit and use it in the first place.  It did get used fairly frequently during the first part of its life with me but then that use dwindled as styles changed and other demands took the place of having time to put my hair up in rollers.

Farewell little rollers-my curls stayed in longer with more body and bounce when I used you vs. the curling iron.  The curling iron will never match up to the beauty and glamour you imparted, but now comes the day when I can no longer justify your storage space in the back of a drawer when you have aging issues and are no longer safe to use.  May you know that you were used and loved and appreciated and well fulfilled your role as an instrument of hair manipulation.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: