Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Randomness #302: Jack faces off with a zucchini

 What is this thing and why is it on my chair?!?!?!?

 I'll just ignore it.  Zucchini is a squash too ordinary for me to give it much attention-especially when it was a gift squash. If we had grown it there might have been some reflected glory but we can't take any credit for this giant chair-stealing veggie.

Ball number 6 (the little orange thing nestled in my fur) and I are just taking a little break from playing.  Most of the time I fiercely attack and chase my multiple little rubber ball nemeses.  I'm really on a roll when I bat one down the stairs.

Yes, that is correct.  One should kneel before royalty.  I approve of your abject humbleness when faced with my regal bearing and demeanor.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: