Sunday, March 06, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 3 In the first month chasing and destruction ensues...

Playing tug of war in the yard-they devised on their own that when one of them runs into the covered patio area it is "safe".  The other one will not follow but waits for the dog in the patio to come back out.  Usually B runs in and B-B barks at her to come back out and continue the game.


The blue stuffed toy still had the body intact even though the arms, legs, and head had been ripped off.

But then all that was left was the fabric shell after they each gleefully pulled out chunks of stuffing and threw it around the living room with a toss of their heads.  They eventually turned to tug of war with the shell and you could see them pulling with more enthusiasm and energy when they could feel and hear ripping sounds.  This is why a number of their toys are kept in another room, out of reach, and only come out for limit, supervised, highly controlled play time, and those toys get put away before they are done in.

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Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

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