Friday, March 25, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 6 Together/Alone

 Sometimes you want to be together with your family and sometimes you want time alone.  B-B prefers the kitchen and by the side back door for his alone time.  B prefers under the desk at our feet or on the couch downstairs for her alone time.  

At first B-B only wanted to be where other family members were congregated.  Now he is comfortable enough to find his own spots and the kitchen is a new favorite whether someone is cooking or not.   (But he almost always finds his way to linger in the kitchen if there is someone actively cooking!)

B is more independent and will want to be outside by herself, just sunning, or on the downstairs couch, or behind the upstairs couch. 

But she likes all of us well enough that she will settle by someone (human or fellow dog) or bring a toy to play with either a human or her doggie brother a fair amount of the time.  

B-B is definitely a golden-he will plant himself most of the time right next to a human for ear skritchies. (Yes, not a real word but I like the sound and it's apropos.) 

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: