Saturday, October 22, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 20: Sleeping positions in Sept. 2022

On the downstairs couch they have very different spots.  B has that couch. Always.  B-B is allowed to be on the floor but B blocks him if he tries to join her on the downstairs couch. She bops his head with her paw if he tries to get on and she'll herd him right off if he happens to actually get on the couch.

B-B seems pretty content to be on the floor downstairs and will roll onto his back for some tummy scritches.

B usually curls into an sled dog ball on the couch and will sometimes even tuck her head under her tail.  She definitely tucks in her nose when she curls up this way outside.  She's going to love the coming storm.  We keep them inside most of the time but she loves going out and lying in the snow.

Under the bed side by side.

B-B finally decided he wanted to stretch out in his usual spot with his legs extended under the bed so B just had to scrunch next to him.

This is a typical hallway sleeping pose.  B-B sprawled next to a wall and B lying down in a more dignified position.  She'll roll over on her back for her humans and only occasionally with B-B.  B-B rolls on his back daily.

 And finally they do share the upstairs couch a lot when the humans aren't on it.  They also don't usually contest us about sitting on the couch-they just move off.  (Except for B bumping off Daisy. )
Here again are typical poses: B-B relaxed with his head on the arm of the couch as his pillow and B perched where she can keep vigil-looking out the window to make sure nothing is invading her pack's space be it human, dog, bird, or squirrel!

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: