Friday, February 29, 2008


How many of us will still be recording our thoughts through words, pictures and sounds when the next leap year comes along? Will world and/or personal events interrupt our Internet foraging and blogging? Hopefully we'll still be learning, sharing and enriching ourselves and others for many years to come.

So today I want to share one of our favorite comfort foods-the pancake. The dry mix stores well, making it easy to whip together a batch of pancakes for a quick treat anytime.

Basic Pancake Mix

1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
2 TBSP. sugar
2 tsp. baking powder (a little less for high altitude)
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
1 ¼-1 ½ cups milk
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla (optional but yummy)
2 TBSP. vegetable oil (or melted butter-also yummy)

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add wet ingredients and whisk until mixed but still a little lumpy. Make a test pancake first-batter should be not too clumpy and not too smooth & runny-somewhere in between.).

Heat frying pan to medium (a sprinkle of water should skitter) (use a little oil or butter if not using a non-stick pan) and when hot, pour in anywhere from about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pancake batter depending upon size wanted for finished product. When the pancake starts to bubble on the top and is golden brown on the bottom, flip and cook until the other side is also golden brown. Continue cooking until batter is gone. Cooked pancakes can be frozen and reheated if desired but won't taste as good as fresh made pancakes.

Add a little more milk or flour to make thicker or thinner pancakes.

Dry mix will store for several months in a cool, dry place. (Be sure to label before you store!)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Four words for a Thursday

trice-from 15th century Middle English-meaning: a moment

triptych-from Greek-meaning: a carving or picture with three panels side by side such as this picture from WallyG from Flickr : Christ Blessing, Surrounded by a Donor and His Family (Triptych of a Protestant Family) ca. 1575-80 Attributed to Ludger tom Ring the Younger (German, 15221584) Oil on wood

trophic-from French and Greek-meaning: relating to nutrition

trumpery (which sums up this post!)-from 15th century Middle English and Middle French-meaning: worthless nonsense

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Latest Co-op Share

It's colorful, it's cheap, it's casually charitable! It's the Community Food Co-op of Utah! Here's the half share for the month of February which only costs a reasonable $15:

1 pkg. boneless spare ribs ( 1 lb.)
1 pkg. chicken legs and thighs (2 lbs.)
1 bag of potatoes (5 lbs.)
1 bag of mini carrots (1 lb.)
3 avocados
4 golden delicious apples
4 oranges
4 pears
1 bag spinach (1 lb.)
1 bag rice (brown or white l lb.)
Stone Ground's Artisan Wheat Bread (1 large loaf)

For more information, go to:
More specifically, go to the food link, then the how to order link and print out your very own order form. For more information about the program, click around the site or go to the community link and then the co-op newspaper link and then scroll down and click on the most recent newspaper which will also list the pick-up locations (also known as team sites-there are sites from Ogden to Provo) nearest you! It's easy and it benefits a lot of people and one of those people could be you! This is one of those feel good things that benefits everyone all around.

Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: