Thursday, May 27, 2010

Author 42: Whoopi Goldberg Manners in comedy form

There are some good reviews of Whoopi's Big Book of Manners at Amazon. We thought it was a funny take on manners and we understood the references to manners in other countries at the back such as burping in some countries or slurping your food. In Germany it is considered rude to say you are full at the end of the meal-you are satisfied not full. And you'd never say I ate like a pig in Germany since calling anyone a pig-even yourself is (or was at least a number of years ago) considered very rude.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Food Co-op May 2010

$10 for six oranges, six Braeburn apples, a five pound bag of red pototatoes, an eight ounce container of Utah mushrooms, two cucumbers, a bunch of broccoli, two green peppers, 1 head of red leaf lettuce, and eight kiwis.

Orders for June are due by Friday June 11th with pick-up on Saturday June 26th. For more information visit

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Author 41: Katie Couric, journalist More about Katie Couric, journalist, CBS news. Can we accept those from other cultures? Can we be happy for those around us?

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Author 39: Julianne Moore, Actress/Author

Freckleface Strawberry and the Dodgeball Bully by Julianne Moore. There are a number of actors/actresses, singers, personalities, etc... that have written books. This one talks about facing your fears and trying to understand others. Maybe there's a few out there that were not apprehensive about dodgeball but I was one who wanted the game to end quickly with a minimum number of hard hits. There were teachers that encouraged "gentle" outs and others that wanted us to "toughen up" and take our hits without a whimper. I think this book has a point that sometimes the anticipation is worse than the actual action and sometimes bullies aren't the same in real life as in our imagination.

See an interview with Ms.Moore about the book at:

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Food Co-op April 2010

Produce share $10: one 5-lb. bag potatoes, five oranges, five pears, one head cabbage, one pkg. grape tomatoes, two avocados, one bunch asparagus and six bananas

For May, order by Friday, May 7th. Order at

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...