Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The third batch of authors

From September 30, 2010 through March 1, 2012 these were the authors in the third batch of 30 books featured in various posts during that time:

Allen, Nancy Kelly
Appelt, Kathi
Balian, Lorna
Barretta, Gene
Bunting, Eve
Carr, Jan
Dewey, Simon
Emberly, Ed
Garland, Michael
George, Jean Craighead
Hal Leonard Corporation
Harper, Charise Mericle
Harvey, Miles
Hobbie, Holly
Krause, Ute
Kurlansky, Mark
Leavitt, Jacalyn S.
Lunis, Natalie
Magic Eye Publications
Mayer, Mercer
Myron, Vicki
Otoshi, Kathryn
Rockwell, Anne
Ryder, Joanne
Schmidt, Amy
Singer, Marilyn
Tudor, Tasha
Underwood, Deborah
Young, Ed

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Randomness #11 Helpful shovel

The square nose shovel.  Perfect for many outdoors tasks, such as: chipping ice chunks, edging, weed control, leveling, scooping and delineating straight lines in a garden.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bountiful Baskets January 2013

 Bountiful Baskets $15 for 8 oranges, 4 bananas, 1 asian pear, 1 avocado, 6 fuji apples, 4 multicolored carrots (one was rotten), 5 orblanco (one was an extra for Mica for volunteering with me), 1 box grape tomatoes (some not quite ripe), 1 box strawberries, a bag of Brussels sprouts (which we roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper-mmmmm.......), 2 bunches of celery (one was an extra for me for volunteering) and a whole bunch of mild small peppers.

 Lunch box pack for $10.50 with 3 asian pears, 3 granny smith apples, 5 fuji apples, 7 oranges, 2 pomegranates, and 5 red sensation pears.

12 pounds of raw, unpasteurized honey from Utah (and Idaho?) for $34 in a beautiful glass jar. That works out to about $2.83 a pound.  (One bottle was bought by friends-I just picked it up for them.)  We looked up the latest price on honey from the national honey board at: http://www.honey.com/honey-industry/honey-industry-statistics/unit-honey-prices-by-month-retail and the current national price per pound for pasteurized honey is $5.67 for January 2013.  Raw honey is usually more expensive than pasteurized honey and even a quick search shows that other Utah honeys are selling for about 4.45 a pound up to $8.00 and more a pound.  I'll have to post again when we try the honey.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...