Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday Randomness #158 : Why are there inconsistencies in life?

Signs that Daisy is spending just a little too much time indoors:
Mom: Do you want to go to Savers?
D: No, I don't like Savers.  I don't like shopping.  I don't like the outdoors....what is the outdoors?  I don't like it.

Religion and drugs:
Once when H was sick, I found M kneeling by her bedside.  I remarked:
"Mica, you don't need to pray over Hedgehog.  She's not that sick and we don't believe in last rites."
(I got laughter from both of them.)

When Hedgehog returned from a trip I asked for her antibiotics and passport that she had packed.
Mica interrupted and said to Hedgehog: " So basically Mom wants your drugs and your ID."

Hedgehog and her relationship with the pets:
H: We tease the kitty.
Mom: We tease the kitty and we tease each other.
H: And we tease the guinea pig.  At least I do.
Mica piping in: How do you tease the guinea pig?
H: I scare her but in the kindest way.  I hold her and kiss her nose and she flinches!
Mom: She flinches because she thinks you're going to eat her! 

H: Our kitty has flurr.  Fluffy fur.

On Birthdays:
Daisy: A birthday celebration is like a satanic ritual.  Everyone gets in a circle and surrounds an object that they just set on fire.  Then they chant some things and cut into the object.  (She found it on tumblr but wanted to make sure we all knew about this pseudo-factoid.)

Hedgehog: In China a birthday is the day of a mother's suffering.

Hedgehog wanted to open the Indian Jaipur Vegetables from Trader Joes.  I pointed out there were still leftovers in the fridge.  She grumbled: "Just because you're willing the eat the same animal fodder day in and day out..."  I let her open the Indian food.  (Which was quite good-we'll be buying it again.)

I bought some energy bars for school and snacks.  Mica was perusing the selections and came upon the kale bar.  
Her response?: "A Kale Bar?!?  What kind of sadist comes up with an idea like that?!?!" 

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...