Mmmmmmmmm, chocolate....... Belgium chocolate. At one of the hotels there were dark and milk chocolate and fruit sprinkles for toast and chocolate hazelnut spread in the little packets. (I brought this home to share.)

Employees at the Delft Porcelain Factory in Delft showing us how they made the porcelain.

A fancy government building in Brussels, Belgium.

A statue we saw as we toured Brussels.

A statue called
The Lonely Man. He does look like he could use some company...

An authentic Belgium Waffle from Belgium! I just had to say that .

Standing by the statue of a man with his dog sitting on the edge of a fountain. There was a little market nearby.

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! Because everyone loves ice cream, right?! I was able to taste the yummy peach flavor.

We were able to go on a night tour of Belgium. This is the Grand Plaz (Grand Plaza) of Belgium. On the Friday night we went there, a rock band was performing with the theme of "Together in Diversity."