Thank you to my sweet and generous cousin Leah for finally giving me something worth photographing. Thanks to her I finally had an incentive to try and work on some of the lighting issues with Jessica's camera.

With the first picture above I set it to let in all the light possible. It's pretty but some of the colors are too washed out.

Next I took a shot with closing off as much light as possible. (These were taken outside in the early afternoon.) Much more vibrancy but too much shadow.

This ethereal picture is my favorite-I love the soft edges and delicateness that shines through the ferns in contrast with the pale purples and bright yellows. To better see the effect, click on the picture.
The camera has a feature that lightens up dark pictures-Catherine, Eric, Deanna, Rachel, Salena and all others with photography knowledge-anyone? Feel free to jump in and comment about the "D-lighting" feature.

And for the last picture I thought I should include one that most resembled the actual colors of the bouquet. Consisting of purple, oranges, greens, yellows and reds it was cheerful but not overdone with too little or too much brightness. The real flowers were much prettier and brighter than any picture but we agreed this was the closest we could get to a color match.
Thank you again, Leah, we love the flowers and shows that you've introduced us to. We were watching some episodes just last week like the one with the wise Lion Turtle and traveling sky bison and ancient libraries.