Saturday, March 27, 2010

Food Co-op March 2010

Produce share was $10 and here's the bounty we received for that ten dollars:
1 bunch broccoli
2 bunches green onions
1 5 lb bag potatoes
1 2 lb bag carrots
1 head red leaf lettuce
1 lb pkg strawberries
1 8 oz pkg Utah mushrooms
9 oranges
9 cameo apples

Order for April is due Friday April 9th with distribution on Saturday April 24th. For more info, visit
For April they are also offering Aptera Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Tilapia fish fillets, and the Nutty Guys sampler for $15 will consist of 1 pound each of dried apple rings, dried mango, raw walnuts and roasted/salted almonds. There are other add -ons and the meat share available to purchase for April's distribution date.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Author 33: Mary Pope Osborne & Fact based Fiction

43 fiction books out in the Magic Tree House series
21 Magic Tree House Research Guide books
Website at:
Just be aware that the website is a bit out of date in spots.
The books are based upon historical facts but are easily accessible for children.
A more updated site can be found through Random House at:
We have many of the books but decided to show the picture from the Sabertooths and the Ice Age guide written by Mary Pope Osborne and her sister, Natalie Pope Boyce. These are some of the best books to introduce children to history in a fun, fact-filled, learning-without-realizing-it way.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Author 32: Michael Buckley brings us new fairy tales

Michael Buckley has created a dual world with fairy-tale creatures and people in New York. Pictured here is the first book, The Fairy-Tale Detectives. Those who know their fairy tales will enjoy this new series including characters ranging from the Queen of Hearts to the Tin Woodsman and the three pigs as policemen. There are currently seven books in release for the Sisters Grimm with the eighth book, The Inside Story, scheduled for release on May 1, 2010. Read more about the sisters, Sabrina and Daphne, at Michael Buckley is currently working on a number of other projects. Discover more about his latest books and a cool book trailer at his blog:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Author 31: Sisters, wonderful sisters with Megan McDonald

It's about three sisters named Stevie, Alex and Joey. It's about their life as sisters and they take turns telling the story. There's also another sisters club book, called The Rule of Three. Megan McDonald wrote the Judy Moody Series along with a large collection of other books ranging from easy readers to juvenile chapter books. Megan McDonald has a slightly outdated website from 2007 at: and an updated current site for Judy Moody books at: (E helped write this post since she loves The Sisters Club and has re-read it several times.)

Saturday, March 06, 2010

A list of the first 30 authors

Which seven authors match up to the nine books included with this post?
Do you have a favorite author on the list, either an author from childhood or an author that you still enjoy today? Look for more chapter book authors in the weeks to come as well as new picture books ranging from simple to complex. So far this listing of authors has helped us to remember old favorites and experience memories with new authors.

  1. Addy, Sharon Hart
  2. Berenstain, Jan and Stan
  3. Boynton, Sandra
  4. Brett, Jan
  5. Brown, Marc
  6. Brumbeau, Jeff
  7. Buehner, Caralyn
  8. Burningham, Sarah O’Leary
  9. Dahl, Roald
  10. Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel)
  11. Haugen, Brenda
  12. Heimerdinger, Chris
  13. Horowitz, Anothony
  14. Karas, G. Brian
  15. May, Robert L. (and Alan Benjamin)

  1. Meddaugh, Susan
  2. Moore, Clement Clark
  3. Murphy, Pat
  4. Murphy, Patti
  5. Numeroff, Laura
  6. Plourde, Lynn
  7. Reynolds, Aaron
  8. Reynolds, Peter H.
  9. Riordan, Rick
  10. SanSouci, Robert D.
  11. Taback, Simms
  12. Thompson, Kay
  13. Thompson, Lauren
  14. Wood, Audrey
  15. Wood, Jakki

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Author 30: Roald Dahl

Two of our favorite books, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach. Maybe insects and spiders are easier to understand when they're big and talking and they're eating peach instead of other foods that would be unappetizing to humans. Even chocolate production and consumption (with other candies by association) should be treated with respect and moderation. Mr.Dahl had definitive views on workers rights and just compensation, extending those views to non-traditional employees.

Among the books by Mr.Dahl that have received movie treatment are Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr.Fox, Matilda, and The Witches to just name a few. Official site at:

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...