Thursday, December 30, 2010

Author 75: Jean Craighead George: 50+ years of writing

Dear Rebecca, Winter Is Here was published in 1993 and still serves as a reminder of all the wonders of nature when winter is upon us. From hibernation to icy streams to warm fireplaces and snow angels, winter is a time to enjoy the blessings of warm homes for ourselves and some animals and to try to help those who may not be similarly blessed. If you have a warm place to go, count your blessings and think of how you may share (if possible!) through donations with those not as fortunate by means of warm clothing or helping with a community heating program or even just by saying a prayer for them.

Jean Craighead George has written over a 100 books on many nature topics as well as other subjects including theNewberry medal winner: Julie of the Wolves which she researched in Barrow, Alaska. Discover more about her works and her love of nature at her official website:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Authors 73 and 74: Dewey and Mayer and a humble stable

Two renditions of the baby Jesus: the first by Simon Dewey in This is the Season Beloved of the Year and the second in The Little Drummer Mouse by Mercer Mayer.

Both are poignant reminders that our Lord and Savior remembers all of us, down to the littlest mouse. He was born in meager circumstances and some missed the signs because of the very humbleness in which He came to earth. Yet He is now exalted and invites us to join Him in exaltation some day. Will we be able to live in such a way as to return to Him? That is an answer that can only be found in our hearts and is known only by Him and the angels who record the history of our lives. We all have blind spots, both good and bad, in different facets of our lives and only the Lord knows what will be our final standing in the reckoning for our time on earth.

This is a season to find joy in the miracle of a newborn babe born many centuries ago in a stable and in the blessings of the individual conditions and situations in which we now live. We give thanks for a medley of items ranging from cats to deer to socks to furnaces plus many more. Most of all, we are thankful for Jesus Christ coming to save us and helping us to return to Our Father in Heaven.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Author 72: Corgi dogs and Christmas with Tasha Tudor

Tasha Tudor gives us a Corgiville Christmas. Visit the family site at:
It is a great story about Christmas in Corgiville and all their different traditions of what they do at Christmastime. There are traditions like the mice have cheese wreaths at Christmastime and new people move in and bring lots more Christmas cheer. I highly suggest you read it. (review by Rose Petal)

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Author 71: Eve Bunting and a Hanukkah story

Eve Bunting is the author of many, many, many books. A fairly comprehensive list is found at: This Hanukkah book, One Candle, tells the story of a family at Hanukkah as they hear again the tale of their Grandma and her sister Rose and how the two sisters made something special to remember Hanukkah during a time when they had nothing. The story is a very simple and poignant one that brought light to our hearts when we read it.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Author 70: Librarian Vicki Myron with Dewey, the library cat

Vicki Myron tells of Dewey's contribution to decorating the library Christmas tree in this colorful tale. Read more about Dewey at:

Our local libraries offer dog day afternoons where kids can read to therapy dogs to help develop numerous skills that come from reading books aloud. Sam Duncan from the University of London points out reading aloud helps adults who may need help in decoding words and developing literacy.

So find a family member, friend or pet and read aloud to someone.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...