In celebration of St. Patricks Day we share this little sweet-hearted gem of a movie--The Race. Starring Colm Meaney of NG and DS9 Star Trek fame, the movie takes place in a rural section of Ireland (enjoy the Irish Brogue!)
The storyline centers around an 11-year-old girl's desire to someday be a race car driver. She builds a go-kart and competes against the wishes of the boys who don't want a girl in the race. Along the way we learn of the financial plight of the family farm (but not told in a cheesy way) and her father's fierce struggle to save the farm and how his relationship with his daughter changes when he sees his same stubbornness and determination reflected in her.

The movie has a satisfying conclusion if not necessarily a happily ever after ending.
Available now at some local libraries! Take it home today for a St.Patrick's day treat of Irish ingenuity and family pride of determination, patience, practice, perseverance and love.
Click on the picture to read the cover information. (The movie is not rated being an Irish/German co-production, but would most likely have received a PG rating in the U.S. for some bullying, parental arguing and some swearing.)