$15 netted us 2 pomegranates, 2-lb. bag carrots, a bag of red grapes, 5 limes, 7 plums, 4 red peppers, a head of green leaf lettuce, 7 bananas, 2 broccoli crowns, 4 asian apples, 3 gala apples, 6 pears and 6 ears of corn. Find out more info at
www.bountifulbaskets.org We also ordered a case of pomegranates. We'll have to post later on how well they store but in the meantime we've already eaten a number of them and shared some with friends.
Everything was pretty good except the pears were brown inside which is a sign of being held at too-low of a temperature for too long. Pears are notoriously susceptible to breakdown of the fruit once they are ripe and they can't handle any rough handling or too much cold once that happens. When they are still hard they can handle more but not once they are ripe.
Also, the plums were a bit stubborn in ripening. Otherwise the rest was rapidly consumed.
Thank you to Dr. Jerry Parsons for confirmation of my suspicions that the pears had suffered from the cold. His article on Pears and Pear Preservation can be found at: