Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Randomness #12 Suprising Sources of Light

So a few months ago we had a power outage and broke out the flashlights, candles and other alternative light sources. Among those used was this table top ornament of the nativity with Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph and an Angel. It's lighted by a single little bulb under the star at the top and yet it cast more light in both quantity and direction than any of the flashlights or candles. Such a small decoration and yet it shed forth much great and useful light.

We talked of how the light of Christ can shine in the darkest of times and places and how much of a difference even a small light makes when all the other sources have gone out. So the moral of this note of randomness is to be prepared and to keep light in our lives-both physically and spiritually through the lights of the world and the light of Christ.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bountiful Baskets March 2012

We participated in Bountiful Baskets yesterday and for $15 dollars received the above batch containing: 2 pineapples (one was an extra for being a volunteer), 1 bunch asparagus,1 2 lb. bag carrots, 9 chili peppers, 7 apples, 1 bunch green onion, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch Romaine, 20 little sweet peppers, 1 container blueberries, 8 oranges, 8 bananas, and 2 cucumbers.

For $8.50 we included the Asian themed pack with 1 bunch bok choy, 1 head napa cabbage, 1 bunch green onion, 1 bunch celery, 1 bunch fresh Basil, 2 yellow onions, 1 head of garlic, 1 pkg fresh snow peas, 1 small piece ginger root, and 10 fresh water chestnuts.

Finally, especially for Hedgehog, we bought the fruit pack with a citrus theme for $14 and received 2 grapefruit, 23 oranges (regular and caracara), 6 minneola tangelos, 16 small lemons and 25 clementines. The lemons are small but much more flavorful and juicy than the larger grocery store counterparts.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Author 90: Amy Schmidt with pup poetry

Cute. Adorable. A picture of a different dog for every poem. Recommend to all dog lovers. Loose Leashes by Amy Schmidt. See more of Ron Schmidt's photography at:

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...