Thursday, February 28, 2013

Author #94: Homographs with Gene Barretta

The cover of the book is also the page to the left of the page with the writing in the story.  The cover fish is Billy the striped Bass.  ZoolaPalooza: A Book of Homographs written and illustrated by Gene Barretta is a clever way to introduce the confusing world of English  homographs where a word can have multiple meanings and even different pronunciations for the same spelling of the word.  For some homograph worksheets you can visit:

Gene Barretta has many more wonderful books including Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo Da Vinci, plus other books on Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin, all with his unique and funny style of illustration.   Read more about Mr. Barretta at:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Author #93: Judi and Ron Barrett bring food with the weather

Judi and Ron Barrett worked together on many books, both during their marriage and after their divorce.  They have continued with the food weather books in a new title coming out in August 2013, called Grandpa's Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Cookbook.  Plus there are many more titles by Judi and/or Ron Barrett that you can find at your local bookstore and/or library.

An animated movie of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs came out in 2009 and a sequel is due to come to a theater near you September 2013.  For some sneak peak pictures from the new movie, visit:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Randomness #86: Door Decorations

 Here we have JKey Rowling, a Turkey known far and wide for her books about Harry Potkey.  She must convince the farmer not to eat her for Thanksgiving through her one page persuasive essay.

The Egyptians made elaborate outer containers known as sarcophagi to encase the numerous coffins inside, especially for the wealthy, famous, and royalty of Egypt.  This particular cat "sarcophagus" is temporarily gracing the door for some added color and creativity around the house.

What door decorations do you have around your home?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Author #92 Eric Telchin shares his hearts

by Eric Telchin
An appropriate book on the holiday of hearts: Happy Valentine's Day!

Read more about Eric Telchin and his "affair" with hearts at:
One of Daisy's favorites was the picture of a heart shadow made by the outline of a heart in a leaf.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Author #91 Mary Jane Auch and literate chickens

The Plot Chickens by Mary Jane and Herm Auch.  Mary Jane wrote the text.  According to the back bookflap, "they merged Mary Jane's oil paintings with Herm's digital techniques" for the illustrations.  These are some well-rounded chickens!  In previous books they solve mysteries, perform in ballets, operas and retell fairy tales.  This adventure unfolds as Henrietta writes a story and imparts the wisdom of some basic rules of writing.  An example is  Rule Seven: "Make your story come alive by using all five senses."    Henrietta deals with difficult critiques and critical critics about her story (The Perils of Maxine) and learns that there is an appreciative audience for even the writings of a chicken.  Read more about the Auchs and their works at:

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...