A selection of remarks from the mundane to the occasional wit with some recipes, book selections, and various sundries included.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
2013 Summer Movies: #10 Freedom Writers
Rated PG-13 and dealing with both gangs and the holocaust, this educational film (that was based on the non-fiction book) came out in 2007. A young idealistic teacher (Erin Gruwell) both teaches and learns from her students. The Los Angeles Times published an interesting article on January 9, 2007 by Gina Piccalo titled: "Did 'Writers' get it wrong?" wherein Gruwell defends the movie and how it was portrayed. We liked it and it was a good segue into modern history. In a less positive twist, we read about a gang related death in our area the day after we finished the movie. Would it make a difference if any gang members in our area saw this movie?
Thursday, July 25, 2013
2013 Summer Movies: #9 Mona Lisa Smile
In 2003 Julia Roberts starred with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Kirsten Dunst, and Julia Stiles in Mona Lisa Smile, rated PG-13 for thematic issues and sexual content (nothing graphic is shown but there is kissing, implied actions, and things like contraception and affairs are discussed). The movie is set in the 1950's and Roberts character is the new art teacher at Wellesley College for girls. She introduced her students to a new way of looking at art and life.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Sunday Randomness #379 Jack in the Box
We have our very own Jack in the Box!
Doesn't matter the size, if it's a box, it's a second home for Jack!
(He admittedly doesn't like the door shut on his crate but I can get him to go in the crate now and then for practice in case he ever needs to take a trip to the vet or to go on a trip with us.)
Doesn't matter the size, if it's a box, it's a second home for Jack!
(He admittedly doesn't like the door shut on his crate but I can get him to go in the crate now and then for practice in case he ever needs to take a trip to the vet or to go on a trip with us.)
Saturday, July 20, 2013
2013 Summer Movies: #8 United 93
Released in 2006, rated R for some intense sequences of terror and violence and language. United 93 is not a documentary but feels like one because of the way it was made such as details on passengers given by friends and family and some people actually portraying themselves in the film. See more info at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0475276/trivia?ref_=tt_trv_trv It was rated R but didn't feel like an R. We stopped this movie several times to discuss how 9/11 changed the way we travel, communicate, and the chain of command.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
2013 Summer Movies: #7 Michael
Michael with John Travolta, Andie MacDowell and William Hurt. Rated PG and released in 1996. A decent flick about judging others. We especially noted the following Hollywoodized tidbits: angels smell good, you can never eat too much sugar, and a cute pie ditty. I also thought it was an applicable film to watch since it also featured Jean Stapleton who recently passed away in May of 2013 at the age of 90.
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
2013 Summer Movies: #6 Spellbound
Spellbound is rated G and was released in 2002. Following 8 finalists to the 1999 National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C., we are introduced to their families and styles for learning the thousands of words used in the contest. Hedgehog thought the movie was slow at first but once they get to the competition it picks up and is very tense. Mica and Daisy both liked it. We agreed it's worth seeing at least once but probably not worth buying. How many words can you spell?
(We did think the rumpled giant dictionaries were amusing-we use a dictionary for both spelling and looking up meanings but ours is just a small dictionary-anything more and we just look online.) We also agreed that many times it's just luck of the draw for the words-the kids who make it to the national level all have a pretty good chance of winning. Pronunciation can sometimes make or break you so there are benefits to learn how to pronounce words properly.
(We did think the rumpled giant dictionaries were amusing-we use a dictionary for both spelling and looking up meanings but ours is just a small dictionary-anything more and we just look online.) We also agreed that many times it's just luck of the draw for the words-the kids who make it to the national level all have a pretty good chance of winning. Pronunciation can sometimes make or break you so there are benefits to learn how to pronounce words properly.
Saturday, July 06, 2013
2013 Summer Movies: #5 The Errand of Angels
Rated PG for dramatic situations, The Errand of Angels stars Erin Chambers and Rachel Emmers in this 2008 work about sister missionaries. While the film talks some about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it's primarily about relationships and how the main character learns to build better relationships throughout her mission. If we start expecting more from others, we need to look first at how much we are contributing to the situation both positively and negatively and focus more on the positive. Mica and Hedgehog had seen this before so just Daisy and I watched it this time 'round and we both liked it.
Thursday, July 04, 2013
2013 Summer Movies: #4 Bend It Like Beckham
Bend It Like Beckham rated PG-13 for language and some sexuality. This feel good soccer film was made in 2002 and stars Parminder Nagra, Kiera Knightly and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. We thought it was very enjoyable with some surprising comedy. For some interesting highlights contrasting reel life and real life in Bend It Like Beckham, visit: http://espn.go.com/page2/s/merron/031110.html
In 2003 a slightly better known film starring Kiera Knightly came out: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
In 2003 a slightly better known film starring Kiera Knightly came out: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
2013 Summer Movies: #3 The Devil Wears Prada
Released in 2006, The Devil Wears Prada with Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Stanley Tucci and Emily Blunt. Rated PG-13 for some sensuality (the main character has a boyfriend). When do you say no to your boss? Who are you willing to step on so that you can get ahead? And how did they wrangle those advanced copies of Harry Potter?!? There were clever additions to the movie of asking for the improbable if not impossible. Hedgehog could see the differences in the color of the belts and it was a lesson in fashion for myself and Daisy. This was a fun little spree of a movie into the world of vogue that trickles down to our shopping level.
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Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!
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