Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Randomness #102: $20 and the dryer heats up again

Drum turning but no heat coming out and the clothes aren't drying?
That's one cool dryer but we want a hot dryer! 
An appliance should feel useful and know its importance in the household. (like WALL-E!) 
So what's a cold dryer to do?

Turns out that all we needed was a little part called a thermal fuse that we bought at the local Sears parts store for about $20.  We could have bought the part cheaper online but buying it in person guaranteed we were getting the correct piece and could take it right back if it didn't work out.  Replace one little fuse and the dryer's working as good as ever! 
(Thanks to my wonderful dad for the diagnostic advice and the labor to replace the fuse.) 

Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: