Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday Randomness #33 : 10 benefits of swimming

These 10 tips were posted at my pool a few months back and I asked if I could take pictures of them.  I justed wanted to be able to remember that regular exercise has hidden benefits which includes swimming and other forms of exercise.

1. Swimming improves muscle definition and strength.
 2. Swimming builds up bone mass.
 3. Swimming helps you stay flexible.

4. Swimming reduces inflammation.

5. Swimming holds its own for calories burned.

 6. Swimming can improve exercise-induced asthma.

7. Swimming lowers stress and depression.

8. Salt water swimming can be a beauty treatment for skin.

 9. Swimming can make you smarter.

10. Swimming may just lengthen your life.

Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: