Thursday, March 22, 2018

Book Group Post 4 : Feb. spotlighted McMullan and Ahlberg and Mar. covered some j500's

We read Hooray for Bread by Allan Ahlberg and talked about other books by the Ahlbergs and the McMullans in February.

March started something new with a diversion into the j 500's.  We shared the following titles: (again, let me know if I missed some that we talked about)

  • Star Stuff: Carl Sagan and the Mysteries of the Cosmos by Sisson
  • Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years by McAnulty
  • The Glow In the Dark Book of Space by Harris
  • Bedtime Math by Overdeck
  • Island A Story of the Galapagos by Chin
  • Max Goes to Mars by Bennett
  • Water Can Be by Salas
  • Magic School Bus books by Cole
  • Wonderful Winter: All Kinds of Winter Facts and Fun by Goldstone
  • Our Family Tree by Peters

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Book Group Post 3 : Some Utah Authors in Dec. Happy Books in Jan.

For December 2017 we talked about books by Utah author couple Caralyn and Mark Buehner and Utah author Rick Walton.


Then in January 2018, we talked about happy books, which included the following titles and authors:
(again, if there are some that we talked about at the Jan. meeting and I didn't write it down, let me know and I'll add them-thanks!) :
  • books by Mo Willems
  • The Secret Pizza Party by Rubin 
  • Jingle Jingle by Smee
  • Good Boy Fergus by Shannon
  • Ish by Reynolds
  • Yes Day! by Rosenthal
  • Woodpecker Wants a Waffle by Breen
  • books by Karma Wilson
  • 100 Things That Make Me Happy by Schwartz
  • A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars by Fishman
And, on the note of humorous things, this is what happens when most people don't let the library staff know that the receipt printer is turned off and finally someone does!  We generate a lot of book reminder receipts at just one station!  (This is at a checkout station that is used infrequently through the day and yes, these are receipts from just part of one day.  I glad to say our library sees a lot of usage from programs to computer use to people actually checking out physical materials.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Book Group Post 2 : Unpleasant Emotions in Nov.

November 2017 we talked about unpleasant emotions since the holidays can be a stressful time.  Everything from anger to jealousy to sadness. 

We found an emotions page from Inside Out on the Whatscookingsister blog:

Books discussed included:  (sorry if I missed any titles that we discussed that time-let me know and I'll add them in!)

  • The Grumpy Dump Truck by Spangler
  • I'm Not Scared by Allen
  • What Do You Do With a Problem by Yamada
  • Feelings by Parr
  • Sam's Pet Temper  by Bhadra
  • The I'm Not Scared Book by Parr
  • The Kissing Hand by Penn
  • How Do Dinosaurs Say I'm Mad by Yolen
  • The Princess and the Fog by Jones
  • Who Wants a Tortoise by Keane
  • The Truly Terribly Horrible Sweater That Grandma Knit by Macomber
  • Dolores Meets Her Match by Samuels
  • Crankenstein by Berger
  • I Will Never Get a Star on Mrs. Benson's Blackboard by Mann

Monday, March 19, 2018

Book Group post 1 : Henkes in Sept. and Donaldson in Oct.

In September of 2017, we talked about books by Kevin Henkes.  Interview from NPR (National Public Radio) in 2015:

Interview with BookPage in 1996:

Kevin Henkes Homepage:  He's got activities and teaching and discussion guides!

In October of 2017 we talked about books by Julia Donaldson of Scotland. 

Julia Donaldson website:   This woman is amazing!  She's written poems, songs, all kinds of books, and lots of wonderful things for children (and adults who love cleverly written works). 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sunday Randomness #595: Why not do your first 5K in the snow?

 Start: Cold and windy
End: Even colder and snowy

Result: Warm clothes, turning up the heater, and drinking hot chocolate when we got home. 

We didn't know if we were going to do the 5K, finish, and make it back in one piece so we kind of kept it a little quiet to see if we could accomplish the goal.  Well, goal accomplished. We're planning to do more 5K's in the future!

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...