Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sunday Randomness #74: Oh, what can you find inside your library? ( A continuing tale-intermittently posted)

Did they want us to do the pressed-leaves-in-a-book art project? (Sent through the sorter and it actually made it all the way to the end to the exception bin!)

 No case to return the missing disc?  No problem!  Just make a substitute case out of paper to deliver the disc back to the library in the book drop!  (Warning: Please don't try this at home kids-the chances of the disc getting damaged are just too high. Items in the book drop just pile on top of one another and a poor little disc in a paper case could suffer an untimely fate if a heavier book cousin were to land in the bin after.  And usually books brings more books along with them-it's rare that a single book is returned-they like to travel in packs.)

We were honestly happy that they found the book as referenced by their note-we just felt bad that they returned it to the wrong library system-oops!  (We sent it on its way back to the right library.)

Our library AC went out for about a month this summer-there were various attempts at levity. These included our manager buying us popsicles that we could have any time and many, many cartoons involving heat, hot, warmth, sweating, etc...

The after holiday reality check. 

Our banned/challenged book display this year.  I volunteered and made the padlocks, flames, and signs.  After putting on a smattering of books, I requested help and my wonderful co-workers added more book selections, thus keeping the display filled.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...