Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sunday Randomness #290 : Inconsistencies Emerge

(The picture of Jack sunning himself by peaches from the farmer's market and Daisy's little clay pumpkin to the left of the peaches is yet another inconsistency.)

Mica: "How will I know when the hamburger is thawed?"
Hedgehog: "When it's no longer frozen."
Mica: "How will I know when that is?"

Bribery does work.  I bribed Mica by letting her use my library card in exchange for her participation in a book club.

Mica wondering where all the drinking glasses had gone and Daisy responding: "They're probably all in the dishwasher.  Look, it says clean."  (They only figured that out because I put a note on the dishwasher thinking (foolishly) that someone (other than me) would actually empty it.)

Hedgehog tried to save a spider in the tub by catching it in a cup but it crawled back into the overflow and when she plunged the tub to get it back out it landed on the side of the tub and was dead from all the trauma of trying to save it.  "I tried really hard to save its little life but it wasn't meant to be."

Daisy in the senior year in high school: "There are no big trends happening at school right now so it's really sad because I can't make fun of them or decide to join them."

Hedgehog on more little creatures: "We must have hundreds of worms and I feel so bad that I'm killing some of them."  She had to remove some sod to plant some herbs in its place and unintentionally was digging up some of the worms.

We saw a truck filled with bags of onions that was pulled over by the police on a family vacation.  Mica remarked: "That's a real tearjerker."

Daisy on a summer day: "Why are there so many people out today?"  Me: "Because it's cooled down and it's a nice day."  Daisy: "Well, why are they out having fun and enjoying life?"

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Randomness #249: Local locales as part of a photography art show at our library

Daisy and I put on a joint photography art show during the month of October at our local library.  I took the pictures and she helped me pick, edit, and frame the final selections.  All the pictures where taken between State Street and 2700 East and on 3300, 3900, and 4500 South. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Randomness #621: Stained Glass art/history gem in Orem at UVU

Heading down to the Orem area in Utah?  Swing by UVU to see the stained glass exhibit that opened in November of 2016, Roots of Knowledge.   There's free admission to the gallery and it's well worth the drive plus the couple of bucks for parking in the visitor's lot at Utah Valley University.

Located in the Fulton Library, the Roots of Knowledge stained glass exhibit takes about 1-2 hours to view.  There are hundreds of images in the designs from historical to cultural to pop culture references including authors and others in the arts, sciences, and in between.  There are many easter eggs pulled from books, movies, and other forms of entertainment including items and/or people from some well-known fandoms.  It is a permanent installation so you can go back and see it again since once is definitely not enough to take in the scope and detail of the gallery.

I went with an old library friend a few weeks ago and we are planning to go back soon to take the guided tour. It's a treasure trove of knowledge in art form!  Check the link above for more information. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Randomness #174: All-Women Hoop Dancing Competition at This Is The Place

At the end of August we decided last minute to go to This Is The Place Heritage Park and watch the Intermountain All-women Hoop Dancing Competition.  They have dancers from as far away as Canada and others from the western United States.  It was fun and we bought some fry bread and wandered around the village during the lunch intermission.  We didn't stay all day-probably a few hours but we got to see many dancers and they were all wonderful!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday Randomness #297: Car sightings Summer 2019 in SLCounty

 Yes, I approve of their license plate and a bunch of things related to LOTR.

 I lucked out in parking in the same garage as an official Natural History Museum vehicle when I volunteered to help at with the library days at the museum.  I thought the bugs and bird tracks on the engine hood were funny.  The sides and back just continued the natural theme.

Then I spotted this cool green vintage model Chandler car while on a trip to the grocery store: 

I'm glad there are people willing to share art through their modes of transportation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 7 (Finally!)

I don't know who the contractor was for the sidewalk but they did a fantastic job.  They were clean, efficient, prepared, and had that sidewalk done in a matter of about 4-6 weeks over a four-block section.  At first most sections looked like this-marked off with yellow:

And a year later here are what some of the areas look like:

 Corner home down at the bottom of the street.

 Some sections still look like the sidewalk ends abruptly due to the parameters set under the original construction.

Here's the flower corner (below) that they re-did with a red cement mix:

Other people put in new vegetation to frame the sidewalk including trees and shrubs as shown below.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Western flick soundtrack-The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

 The Ballad of Buster Scruggs came out in 2018 and aired on Netflix.  I haven't seen the movie which is rated R (mostly for strong violence) and comprises six fictional tales of the old west.  I got the soundtrack anyway and I did enjoy it so I might try to see the movie sometime.   The CD is  comprised of mostly instrumental pieces with a few songs scattered in the album.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 6

Part 6:  Odds and Ends

Some more pictures of equipment:

 A small sidewalk addition

Chaining the equipment so it wouldn't "walk off".

Another driveway and some cutting into the small hillside before putting in the sidewalk.

Putting in new fencing next to the sidewalk.

They actually came back and did some different cement work by some areas like this corner with the flowers.  Look for a post with some newer pictures this upcoming Sunday.

In some areas the work was not continuous.  The contractor would pour the sections that were ready to go and then came back to pour in areas that needed more prep such as the example below where there's a very abrupt difference between the raw and finished product. 

 They even had port-a-potties for the crew.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 5

Part 5:   Pouring part of a new driveway

Other locations needed work on areas connected to the new sidewalk such as a large section of a driveway as seen below.

A stack of rebar waiting to be cut and placed.

 The finished driveway with the connecting, sloping sidewalk and the new asphalt strip connecting the road to the gutter.

Further down on the property they had completed the concrete work on the corner but still needed to do the sidewalk further up and some asphalt work.

  Then they moved on to the other side of the road and started working on the corner with the telephone pole.

Another area with freshly poured driveway.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 4

Part 4: New sidewalk with retaining walls

Some areas needed more prep work than others and needed additional reinforcement in the way of retaining walls next to the new sidewalk.

Below is the before picture with a block retaining wall to the right protecting the neighbor's driveway from run-off.  I assume that they were addressing drainage concerns to back dig into this yard and bring in so much fill material. 

 Here's after pictures showing the block retaining wall and the new cement retaining wall along with the new sidewalk

Below are some examples of placing the forms to make the gutter portion of the sidewalk.

 Next, they added additional rebar for support and strength.

 Finally, in this third shot, you can see the before and after of the grid rebar support on the left and without it on the right (they did add the rebar to the right side before pouring cement).

They also did additional work for some properties such as pouring steps to make the home still accessible.

The final two pictures show the finished edges of the sidewalk sloping into the gutter and then into the street.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...