Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday Randomness #330: Desired Result vs. Unintended Consequences: Bird Feeder Edition

The pigeons swooped in at the rendezvous location.  The agile lead birds pushed and pulled at the red-capped feeders while the troops devoured the spilled feed down to the bare dirt, pecking and clawing over every scrap of seed and grain.  In a matter of seconds (that may have extended to a couple of minutes), it was all over-the still swinging empty bird feeders a silent testament to the quick teamwork of the flock. Not a single grey-feathered marauder remained to attest to the disappearance of the provender which was gone in a minute fraction of a day.

For a great local source for bird feeding supplies, check out Backyard Birds.

Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: