Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Randomness #621: Stained Glass art/history gem in Orem at UVU

Heading down to the Orem area in Utah?  Swing by UVU to see the stained glass exhibit that opened in November of 2016, Roots of Knowledge.   There's free admission to the gallery and it's well worth the drive plus the couple of bucks for parking in the visitor's lot at Utah Valley University.

Located in the Fulton Library, the Roots of Knowledge stained glass exhibit takes about 1-2 hours to view.  There are hundreds of images in the designs from historical to cultural to pop culture references including authors and others in the arts, sciences, and in between.  There are many easter eggs pulled from books, movies, and other forms of entertainment including items and/or people from some well-known fandoms.  It is a permanent installation so you can go back and see it again since once is definitely not enough to take in the scope and detail of the gallery.

I went with an old library friend a few weeks ago and we are planning to go back soon to take the guided tour. It's a treasure trove of knowledge in art form!  Check the link above for more information. 

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...