Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sunday Randomness #290 : Inconsistencies Emerge

(The picture of Jack sunning himself by peaches from the farmer's market and Daisy's little clay pumpkin to the left of the peaches is yet another inconsistency.)

Mica: "How will I know when the hamburger is thawed?"
Hedgehog: "When it's no longer frozen."
Mica: "How will I know when that is?"

Bribery does work.  I bribed Mica by letting her use my library card in exchange for her participation in a book club.

Mica wondering where all the drinking glasses had gone and Daisy responding: "They're probably all in the dishwasher.  Look, it says clean."  (They only figured that out because I put a note on the dishwasher thinking (foolishly) that someone (other than me) would actually empty it.)

Hedgehog tried to save a spider in the tub by catching it in a cup but it crawled back into the overflow and when she plunged the tub to get it back out it landed on the side of the tub and was dead from all the trauma of trying to save it.  "I tried really hard to save its little life but it wasn't meant to be."

Daisy in the senior year in high school: "There are no big trends happening at school right now so it's really sad because I can't make fun of them or decide to join them."

Hedgehog on more little creatures: "We must have hundreds of worms and I feel so bad that I'm killing some of them."  She had to remove some sod to plant some herbs in its place and unintentionally was digging up some of the worms.

We saw a truck filled with bags of onions that was pulled over by the police on a family vacation.  Mica remarked: "That's a real tearjerker."

Daisy on a summer day: "Why are there so many people out today?"  Me: "Because it's cooled down and it's a nice day."  Daisy: "Well, why are they out having fun and enjoying life?"

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...