Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June Day 30 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Large Print makes popular books more accessible for the visually impaired.  I'm to the age where I need reading glasses so I can understand a little the allure of large print books.  Here's the current selection of new titles at my branch:

Monday, June 29, 2020

June Day 29 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

 The nine hundreds contain history and biographies and naming books and travel books just to name a few of the subjects covered in this large section of the library.  Here are some new selections in the adult area from books on Black Americans to Putin's Virtual War to a biography on Serena Williams to a biography on Emily Dickinson in These Fevered Days.

There's more new 900's in the childrens area with titles including: Who Wants to Be a Pirate?, and Marie Curie and Radioactivity.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

June Day 28 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

 Reading can be something as simple as the cereal box or a magazine.  We've got a large selection of magazines at my branch.  Titles like Parents to Reminisce,
 Scientific American to Yoga Journal,
 and Art of the West to Fine Homebuilding.
 Teens can read comic books like Batman, Superman, Archie, or the Skateboard magazine Thrasher or J-14 to Game Informer and Otaku USA plus other titles.
Kids are not left out with Chop, Chop (cooking magazine), Cobblestone (history magazine), and Disney magazine as well as National Geographic for Kids, Highlights, and Ranger Rick along with many other titles.    Magazines can be placed on hold, just visit SLCOlibrary.org.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

June Day 27 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

 Graphic novels can be found in all three main age categories in my library-adult, children, and teen.  Top picture has some new adult graphic novels, middle picture has some new children's graphic novels, and the third picture has some old teen graphic novels since the teen graphic novels were pictured in a previous post with some new teen books.  (See June 16th post.)

Friday, June 26, 2020

June Day 26 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Need something new for dinner?  Put one of these new cookbooks (or an older one or two) on hold.  Everything from lunch recipes to wok cooking to potatoes or soup.  The Salt Lake County Library system has literally thousands of cookbooks to choose from (4837 came up by putting "cookbook" in the subject search line).  Try a new recipe this coming week!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

June Day 25 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

 Holladay also has a plenitude of new books in different genres from mystery to western to romance to science fiction and fantasy. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June Day 23 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Here are some titles from the display from our friends at the Holladay branch. Did you know you can also reserve magazines?  There are many different titles for children, teens, and adults and the titles can vary from branch to branch.  So if you don't see a magazine you'd like at one branch, check online at the Salt Lake County Library website to see if another branch may have the magazine you're looking to peruse.

 And Holladay had another shelf of new teen books.  These are all available-just place the requested title on hold.

Monday, June 22, 2020

June Day 22 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

It's not just brand-new books that may interest you or your family at the library, it may be a new author or series.  Here are some favorite authors in the children's picture book section and a few of their titles:
 Julia Donaldson-a couple of our favorites are The Highway Rat and Charlie Cook's Favourite Book but you really can't go wrong with any of her books.

Then there are the wonderful books of  Bob Graham. Titles include How to Heal a Broken Wing and How the Sun Got to Coco's House.

And there are a couple of more authors with some great picture books: Margaret McNamara and David McPhail.  A favorite from McNamara is A Poem in Your Pocket.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

June Day 21 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Here's a selection of general fiction on display at the Holladay branch of the Salt Lake County Library system  They also have a great number of new books and old favorites as well as bestsellers you may have missed and they are open for curbside pick-up!  Just select Holladay from the drop-down menu as the branch for your hold pick-up and then you can make a curbside appointment after your hold comes in and you are notified that it is ready for you.

Sunday Randomness #311 : Puppy kitty videos

Saturday, June 20, 2020

June Day 20 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Summer beach reads would not be complete without a romance or two.  We've got plenty of new ones to choose from with titles like The Honey Don't List, Miss Weston's Wager, or Serving Up Love.

Friday, June 19, 2020

June Day 19 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Still wish you could find yourself in an alternate universe or on another world?  We've got the science fiction and fantasy books to help you out!  Check out some of these new titles including new books from Patricia Briggs, William Gibson,  Mercedes Lackey, and more.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

June Day 18 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Then we have a whole bunch of "Who Was...?" biographies and juvenile non-fiction titles by the same publisher such as "What is NASA?"

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June Day 17 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

The later part of the 300's contains books ranging from opinions and commentaries on the government to true crime to homeschooling, college preparation, and at the end of the 300's-fairy tales.  Golden Gates: Fighting for Housing in America by Conor Dougherty discusses the huge disparities in the housing market in California and which are echoed in other areas around the country.   Steve Suitts talks about school choice and how it is a new form of segregation in Oveturning Brown: The Segregationist Legacy of the Modern School Choice Movement.   

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June Day 16 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Teens also have a huge selection of graphic novels in their room along with new titles.  There's a New Avengers to a new Wonder Woman graphic novel with others scattered amongst them.  Or check out a new title like Descendant of the Crane with politics and magic with a Chinese themed fantasy novel by Joan He  or Crying Laughing by Lance Rubin featuring stand-up humor and how laughter can help with the darker moments in our lives.

Monday, June 15, 2020

June Day 15 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Another selection of mysteries.  There's a new Jude Deveraux: A Forgotten Murder or perhaps you'd like Barbara Hambly's Lady of Perdition  or Lost Tomorrows by Matt Coyle. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

June Day 14 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

And there's so much in General Fiction for adults.  These are just some of the new titles from authors in the A-E section on display.  There are some more familiar authors like Cussler, Ahern, Allende, and DeMille but lots of others as well as some reprints like Tales of the Unexpected by Roald Dahl.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

June Day 13 of New Books at SLCOLibrary #BlackLivesMatter

These are not new books but they are great for any time of year. There's books on Civil Rights and Martin Luther King and books on the Fourth of July and biographies-I pulled a few books about some famous people you may not have heard off: Raven Wilkinson, James Van Der Zee, Sharon Robinson, Carter G. Woodson, and Ruby Bridges.  Plus we have lots of other biographies written for kids and adults!

I also found a couple of great websites for books by Black authors: https://aalbc.com/books/children.php      and  https://booksforlittles.com/black-women-makers/      #BlackLivesMatter


Friday, June 12, 2020

June Day 12 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

The non-fiction section informs and educates and enlightens.  Whether you want to know more about: Aircraft of World War II, Food Is Your Best Medicine, The Science of Fortnite, or Friluftsliv by Oliver Delorie (reconnecting with nature the Norwegian way).  Such are selections in the 600 and 700's.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June Day 11 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

Westerns aren't quite as popular as they once were but they still have their own niche in our genre section at my branch.  Here's a few of the new titles including story collections like The Greatest Cowboy Stories Ever Told edited by Stephen Brennan. The magazine Cowboys and Indians give us  their favorite Western movies:   (list is from  2016)    https://www.cowboysindians.com/2016/11/100-best-westerns-ever-made/

They include such westerns as My Darling Clementine, Shane, Oklahoma!, The Man From Snowy River, and some series like Have Gun, Will Travel and Bonanza along with many more.  Many of these are available at The Salt Lake County Library.  https://www.slcolibrary.org/

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June Day 10 of New Books at SLCOLibrary

New chapter books in the juvenile (children's) section-the JF's.  New books and continuation of series like the start of a new series: Rescue Dogs: Ember by Jane B. Mason or Aladdin: Far From Agrabah by Aisha Saeed or the 5th book in the Fantastic Frame series: Warning! Journey to Forever by Lin Oliver.  Don't be fooled into thinking these are just kids books-many of them are great reads for any age and some are great for reading aloud.

Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here:  https://www.ncoa.org/article/a-common-sense-guide-to-the-common-cold-for-older-adult...