Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunday Randomness #345 : COVID-19 vaccination info in Utah and Tessa demonstrates proper mask placement

 Need to get your Covid-19 vaccine shot? In Utah just visit  On March 24th anyone 16 years or older in Utah can sign up to get the vaccine.  There's three big vaccination sites from the Salt Palace to the Maverick Center to the Mountain America Expo site plus multiple local pharmacies, hospitals, and other locations.  They might be out of appointments but keep trying-eventually you'll find a place and time and opening that works for you.

And until more people get vaccinated please keep properly wearing a mask when going out in public  especially if you will be within six feet of other people outside of your household such as when shopping. 

Tessa the fire dog shows how to correctly wear your mask:

Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: