Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sunday Randomness #82 : Share?!? A tempting tale of a Smarties Lolly 

Please share?

Daisy recently found a Smarties Lolly at a local gas station and got one, fondly reminiscing how she used to like them.  She found she still does like them.  The puppy thought it looked good too and started with a gentle paw nudge, asking Daisy to share.  

Come on, just one little lick?
The nudge turned to a paw pull on Daisy's elbow which Daisy stoically ignored.

Oh, what's that out the window? (Distraction tactic-didn't work.)

Please, pretty please? (with the beseeching puppy eyes)

Maybe if I paw at the belly...that's a more tender part of dog and human anatomy...(testing sensitivity-maybe Daisy would drop the treat if threatened with disembowelment)

MOM!  Make her share!  (Sheer desperation.) 

Resolution?  We did a quick training session with puppy and she got appropriate dog treats that ultimately may have been healthier for even Daisy to eat than the Smarties Lolly.  Pup knows a lot-dog sit-ups (sit-down-sit), circle in either direction, paw, high-five, nose, cuddles, center, still working on side for heel, wait, stay, crawl, and some of her dog toys.  We tell her to "bring it" with a name and a fair amount of the time she brings the right toy like wubba, ball, fleecy, rope, moose, or gator.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...