Spring renews my soul with light
Revered time of year
Want more poetry? April is national poetry month. Think about subscribing to a poem a day at poets.org https://poets.org/national-poetry-month
A selection of remarks from the mundane to the occasional wit with some recipes, book selections, and various sundries included.
Spring renews my soul with light
Revered time of year
Want more poetry? April is national poetry month. Think about subscribing to a poem a day at poets.org https://poets.org/national-poetry-month
There was another dog there being bathed by employees of the shop who yowled and howled through-out his bath. They said he hates getting baths and is very vocal about it every time even though he's a frequent customer.
We were glad our two behaved well through the process-even with the noisy blow-dryer (which was fixed on a low temp).
B and B-B were really happy to get home and run crazies around the house, rolling around on the carpet, and shaking excess water everywhere.
On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course. The course went around t...