Sunday, April 17, 2022

Sunday Randomness #121 : Imperfect spring haiku...


Spring renews my soul with light

Revered time of year

Want more poetry?  April is national poetry month. Think about subscribing to a poem a day at

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 8 A giant pink frisbee

To B-B the pink plastic children's pool is just a giant frisbee...


B wasn't too happy with B-B trotting around with her pool even if she had chewed holes in it earlier in the summer.

Silly puppies!

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 7 Bath Time!

We took B-B and B to a local dog washing spot in Feburary.  B-B was pretty relaxed through the whole process.  They have a couple of non-slip steps for the dogs to climb into the bathtub and a gentle cinch leash to keep them safely in the tub while they are being bathed.  The shampoos were all formulated specifically for dogs but we were still careful to just use small amount and kept soap away from their heads.  It's a single hose system where you just turn the dial to the soap you want, water, conditioner, etc...

B-B getting rinsed.

Awww...B looks rather apprehensive about her turn in the tub!

B-B after shaking off the first round of water.  They had multiple drain filters that we emptied after we were done.

B still looks like she'd rather be anywhere but getting a bath.  They were both very calm and quiet. 

There was another dog there being bathed by employees of the shop who yowled and howled through-out his bath.  They said he hates getting baths and is very vocal about it every time even though he's a frequent customer.  

We were glad our two behaved well through the process-even with the noisy blow-dryer (which was fixed on a low temp).

B and B-B were really happy to get home and run crazies around the house, rolling around on the carpet, and shaking excess water everywhere.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...