Sunday, July 31, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 14 "Drool" Part 1

B-B is a master manufacturer of drool.

He can form long chains with varying degrees of stickiness and viscosity.  

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sunday Randomness #432 : Changing the way we buy beans...

How we use to buy beans on the left.  How we buy beans now on the right.  The two furry fuzzy mouths that we feed like rice and oats and veggies with their kibble.  They like Purina Pro Plan Beef and Science Diet.  I found that B-B has more solid stools and fewer of them if we supplement their diet with some healthy human grade foods that are safe for dogs. can find a number of lists online for what dogs can and cannot eat and be aware of the salt content.  We drain and rinse the canned green beans to get rid of a little bit of the salt.   Not a lot of any one thing and we switch out the veggies.  B really likes raw full size carrots but B-B prefers his carrots cooked.  Neither of them like the "baby carrots" so I usually buy the big bag of full size carrots from Costco.  They both like melon including watermelon but B-B definitely prefers the sweeter things like apple and banana.  B would rather play than get food for a treat.  She's hard to bribe with food-she's not even a big fan of peanut butter!  We have to hide her medicine in vanilla ice cream.  She effectively spits out the pill in anything else-including things like hot dogs or the aforementioned peanut butter.  It's just more economical to buy the large items when we can feed the product to both the humans and the dogs.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 13 Testing the sprinklers

 B is excellent at testing the working sprinklers.

B-B came over to investigate the burbling broken sprinkler pipe, then he went to investigate the broken sprinkler head that was spraying but not popping up properly. The pups dug up the damaged areas much more effectively and faster than we humans.  We were laughing at them but also grateful for their fast digging paws and obvious delight in this kind of work!

All this was stemming from a box out front with a busted solenoid?  I don't know.  We don't know how to fix it and we're still working on trying to find someone who has time to come and look at it and possibly fix it.  We're prepared to pay someone...If you know any sprinkler repair people we'd appreciate getting their name and number!

It's the valve that's slightly above and not sitting flush and the yellow wire cap is pointing towards it.

Saturday, July 09, 2022

A few pictures leading up to the 4th of July parade...

 Mego and I went to the Fourth of July parade that goes down a single street for about 3/4 of a mile.  We wore Hawaiian shirts to go with the library theme of "Oceans of Possibilities".  I also dyed my hair blue for the summer reading program and the parade. Daisy came over the day before to help me dye it.  


Early in the day on July 3rd before using hair color.  I let the color set with some plastic hair caps.  You can see the color by itself on the towel.  
After rinsing my hair in cold water where it had a more purple look.  And the final shot of me is outside in bright light. I think it's a great shade of bright blue. I used Poseidon and Periwinkle which I mixed together from Arctic Fox Hair Color.


We took B and B-B who wore red, white, and blue bandannas as their sole costuming.  I have B on transitional around her nose but I only had that for a narrow stretch of road with cars and people and I wanted them both right by me.  They both wore just traditional slip leash up behind their ears for walking on the parade route and it was in the morning when the road was still cool. 

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...