Sunday, January 29, 2023

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 28: Short lived life of a cot

If you chew up your dog bed (cot) you only have yourself to blame if you have to sleep on the floor!  (And yes, it was a joint destruction from both parties-sometimes separate, sometimes together.)

We found a dog bed/cot at a local thrift store back in May of 2022. Little did the poor cot know that it would only have a six month life with us and our two monster destructo-beasts.

May 2022-There's a toy on the cot, dogs on the couch.  Destruction has not started yet...

B-B reveling in the luxury of the elevated sleeping spot off the ground in June.  Again, toy on the cot.

B and B-B showing they're capable and willing to share the cot in July.

But in August the luck of the cot changed... B shows the torn up corner...

By September there was active toy tug playing along with cot destruction on the side...

When October rolled in half the cot was gone.  We'd tried turning it around but they started chewing on another corner and edge.

Finally in late October B-B demonstrated that the bed was not really a bed anymore but just a empty frame with some sad droopy gray fabric and we decided to end the cots misery by recycling the metal legs and throwing out the fabric. 

We did have another cot that lasted a lot longer but we eventually had to buy a new cover for that one.  Unfortunately the gray one was not standard and we didn't feel up to making a custom cover.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Sometimes Fridays can be about Family and Funerals...

My uncle passed away.  

This is the second death in my family of aunts and uncles with the passing of my mom a number of years ago being the first.  

I want to write more but that will have to wait for another post. 

I don't know how many of my relatives even follow this blog but I want my aunts, uncles, cousins,  and other relations to know how much I love and appreciate all them being in my life. 

I have the kind of family that I know I could show up on practically any of their doorsteps and they'd immediately welcome me in and try to help in whatever way they could do so.  

If you have that kind of family, please let them know.  

Don't let it go unnoticed or your love unspoken.  

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Throwback Thursday #6: Vintage Kingsford's Corn Starch

 A photocopy I made of the very old corn starch box that was in Mego's house.  It's not as old as some on Ebay ince the printing was directly on the box and the older versions had a printed label that were affixed to the cardboard box underneath. This antique box has no UPC but it does have a circle stamp with the number 31 in it which meant it was 31 cents when it was sold.  Compare that to the average price of $1.99 for a 16 oz package of corn starch in 2023.  The box features several recipes ranging from Cheesecake, Lemon Meringue Pie, Fruit Glaze, Macaroni and Cheese, and Melting Moments.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Recaps from 2022: Festival of Trees Part 23 (final tree post!)


Santa Paws Believer tree selling for 3,750  (It's different from the Santa Paws tree)

A Hobbit Christmas gingerbread house

Homespun Christmas tree

Night Before Christmas gingerbread house

North Pole Cookie Co. gingerbread house

Merry Little Christmas gingerbread house

? (Didn't get the title of this tree)  Thanks for joining us on a small tour of the 2023 Festival of Trees to benefit Primary Children's Hospital in Utah. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Recaps from 2022: Festival of Trees Part 22

Sevens Swans A Swimming tree

Playing Santa's Helpers tree

Purple Majesty tree

Three Friends 3 tree

Festive Farmyard gingerbread house

A Camping Christmas gingerbread house


Monday, January 23, 2023

Recaps from 2022: Festival of Trees Part 21

Praying for Peace in Ukraine  selling at the quilt store for 275

In the Jungle tree

Dolls of the World tree

Christmas Cheer gingerbread house

Santa Paws tree

 The Winnie Cabin gingerbread house

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 27: Trying to get a friend to play

B trying to impress on B-B that he really should stop chewing on the box and play tug-the-rope with her.  He wasn't going for it and I loved her look at me at the end like I should intervene on her behalf.

B-B initiating play. B trying to respond to his request. This is what happens when you chew up your!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Recaps from 2022: Festival of Trees Part 20

Christmas at the Cabin gingerbread house

Bye Buddy gingerbread house

Our Home for Christmas gingerbread house

Pooh's Christmas gingerbread house

Encanto gingerbread house

Your Package is Delivered gingerbread house

Friday, January 20, 2023

Recaps from 2022: Festival of Trees Part 19 Quilts with green

Cats quilt selling in the general quilt store at the Festival of trees for  325

Hanging Around quilt

Tree Celebration quilt selling for 825

Sci-fi quilt selling for 850

Busy Day at the Worksite quilt

In the Woods Nature at its Best quilt selling for 700


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Recaps from 2022: Festival of Trees Part 18

Dresden Dot quilt

Exotic Mail Truck centerpiece

A Dark Side Christmas tree

Christmas in Origami tree

Kase Haus Dorf (Cheese House Village) gingerbread house

Walking in Wonderland gingerbread house


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Recaps from 2022: Festival of Trees Part 17

Cutting Ice centerpiece  (I was so intrigued by this one that I looked up the artist's website: but you get a better idea of his work on a different site: )  By the way, I don't know how much this sold for at the charity auction for Primary Children's Hospital but similar ones on the website have a listed price of around $145.

Garnet Sampler quilt selling for 850

High on a Mountain Top tree

Asia's Christmas tree

Harry Christmas  gingerbread house

Fairy Tale Christmas gingerbread house


Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...