Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday Randomness #251 : 80's prom program

Back in March of this year (2023) Mego and I worked the Totally Awesome 80's Prom program at the library.  I got my hair permed for the occasion. 
They had two mocktails-Purple Rain
and Pop Rocks Punch
It was a great program and the attendees and staff had a fun evening.
But we were definitely tired by the end of the night.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The ongoing saga of B-B and B Part 34: B-B picking fruit from tree

 B-B can't quite reach the apricot-and it's a fact of life that many of us know some about the good or ill health of our children and/or animals from their "movements".

And here B is taking upon herself to reprimand B-B for trying to get an apricot.

But B-B is persistent and gets his prize.  We did get the apricot pit from him before he wolfed it down.  We noticed he would often pick them, bite the apricot in half, leave the pit, and then eat the two halves separately.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday Throwback #5: Music choices back from May Part 6 (The End!)

    I asked family to please send me some of their past, current, or reoccurring musical favorites back in May of this year (2023).  Here's the sixth and final sampling:

Friday, September 08, 2023

Thursday Throwback #5: Music choices back from May Part 5

   I asked family to please send me some of their past, current, or reoccurring musical favorites back in May of this year (2023).  Here's the fifth sampling:

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...