Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunday Randomness #101: chicken soup with chicken feet

Two different ways of trying to cut off the chicken feet toenails.


Soup with the chicken feet.  I took out the feet before serving to the family.  I was the only one to try the feet.  They really didn't have a taste-similar to unflavored gelatin.  I had a coworker who suggested eating them with lime and that really did improve the taste.

Container with a dumpling, a foot, and some floating carrot bits.

B and B-B took awhile before they figured out that they could eat the raw chicken foot.  I did cut the toenails off before giving them each one.  They played with their feet at first and then eventually crunched them down.  

Cooking with chicken feet was an interesting experience that I will definitely try again.  The chicken feet cooked up cleanly with no weird white foaming goo.  They smelled clean out of the package, smelled clean during cooking, formed a really nice gelatin when cooled.  It was like cooking chicken from when I was growing up and we had our own chickens.  Who knew that I would be promoting chicken feet as a great way to make broth?!?  And, they're easy on the budget.  Yes, there's no meat to really talk about but I just used canned chicken in the soup.  The feet added to the flavor and the gelatin in the feet helped to naturally thicken the soup.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...