Sunday, July 28, 2024

And now a break with a couple of cute, happy animals in an idyllic setting

With abandon, the golden creature and black/white creature raced through the greenery, reveling in the coolness of the April afternoon.

I approached slowly, so as not to startle them as they foraged on the tender shoots of grass.

On another day, earlier in the month of April, they were given a block of ice.

Though they are of the same species, they approached the unexpected frozen treat in very different manners. 


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sunday Randomness #126: ZCMI Demolition-more photos in the 7th post

The columns in the ZCMI building on the north side.

Starting to move towards the south, there's a mixer coming into view on the right side of the picture.

The arm of a excavator/backhoe next to the mixer? at the mid point between the north and south sides.

A small green bobcat (because it has tires instead of treads? so it wouldn't be a true bulldozer?) on the south side of the building.  


Friday, July 26, 2024

Sunday Randomness #126: ZCMI Demolition-more photos 6th post

West side of the building in the April sun.

Long shot of the west side opening.

Two similar pictures: the first one I was trying to get the demolition on the top of the picture with the metal beams and the second one below I tried to get more of the stone facade wrapping around on the left (north) side of the picture.

But I got a much better picture of the stone façade wrapping around into the entrance in the final picture of this particular (6th) blog post.  I think the stone façade is an amazing example of some stone masonry work.  This sort of stone work use to be much more common-the piecing together of the mosaic and cutting some pieces to fit with the rest of the design and parameters. More pictures of the interior columns coming!


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sunday Randomness #126: ZCMI Demolition-more photos 5th post

This first shot is one from January 2024 of the columns illuminated from the south sun.

A picture of the rubble on the east side of the building.

South side of the building

Another long shot of the south side of the building.

Pictures of where they started demolishing on the south side.

A debris pipe? coming from the top floor.

They had some problems with vandalism and other property crimes so they installed an electric fence right behind the six foot chain link fence.

A shot of the columns from the south side.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sunday Randomness #126: ZCMI Demolition-some starter photos 4th post

East side of the old ZCMI building.

Again, so much brick, cement, steel, iron, heavy-duty construction materials.  This thing must be a beast to try to demolish.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sunday Randomness #126: ZCMI Demolition-some starter photos 3rd post


The new apartment complex in the background.

Starting to take off the cement facade from the east side of the ZCMI building.

It was a stormy March in 2024.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday Randomness #126: ZCMI Demolition-some starter photos 2nd post

Stone facade, so many concrete pillars for support, this was a solid stone, metal, concrete structure.

Looking past the chain link, one can see all the ceiling supports of metal I-beams and column after column after column. 


Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...