Here I am in open competition with my friend Catherine over tree carnage. Her carnage is much more recent but I don't think quite as extensive. But she does mention blood with her carnage. (Actually she says no blood in reference to Xyla attacking in love-still, I didn't have any blood to mention-we have to go to Paula's blog for great descriptions of that nature.)
Here's our old ash tree that was about 2/3rds dead before we had it taken out. One of the forked branches broke and sheared off both sides of the basketball backboard the day after Thanksgiving a few years ago after a heavy wet snow storm.

And the ash tree is no longer standing. The company, Dad's Tree Service, sent out a couple of guys and they openly told us that the ash tree made them nervous because so much of the tree was dead that they feared that their weight alone on the limbs might cause them to break.

Here's just some of the leftover wood from a stand of three pine trees. One had towered above the other two. When they were planted it had originally been planned to take out the two weaker trees and leave the strongest but that was never done and subsequently three huge pines ended up in a spot that should have been for only one tree.

Here's Eva on the stump of the ash and behind her is the main trunk. Further back to the left is the debris (not in sight of the camera) from another three pines trees (all full grown, tall trees) that we had cut down. We did drop and leave which means that they cut down the trees where they stood but did not take any branches, limbs, trunk pieces or any debris with them. It saved us hundreds of dollars to clean-up the yard ourselves but it took nearly the whole summer to clean up from the tree removal. Over five years later we're still throwing away and burning sections of trunk in the fireplace and occasionally finding the odd limb in a bush or the undergrowth.