Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Public Thank You for Vegetables

I'd like to take the time now to publicly thank my friend, Melinda, for her generous vegetable donation. We were able to make a variety of foodstuffs of which I will now re numerate:

from limes, shallots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and cauliflower (among other things) we were able to make Oven fried eggplant, Thanksgiving sweet potatoes, steamed cauliflower, limeade, and a delicious potato salad. Thank you for entrusting us with a variety of vegetables. I just feel bad that we could not share the finished products with you but I know you were enjoying fresh berries and salmon so I am reassured that you were still fed. Thank you again-your sharing is always appreciated.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: