Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Old Faithful with 3 Ingredients

Jessica has been pressed for time with all of her practicing and various musical practice sessions so she kept the recipe for this week simple and sweet. Just butter, marshmallows and crisp rice cereal to make traditional Rice Krispy Treats.

Jessica starting doing free-form treats on a cookie sheet a couple of years ago since she found that it kept the treats airy and easier to consume. With this shape, one just pulls off the desired amount of treat instead of cutting the treats which inevitably crushed them and left a fair amount of crumb residue. So one gets more choices in size and shape and with less mess using the free-form method. Although it can play havoc with trying to figure out portion size..... how much of a handful is one serving?

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: