Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beet and Pumpkin Soups

Browned onions for pumpkin soup.Beets with translucent onions for pink soup.
Pumpkin soup before being pureed.

Finished pumpkin soup.
Finished pink soup.
Opinion? Better than raw potatoes. Beets belong in salads and pumpkin belongs with sugar as in pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies. At least it was an attempt at healthy recipes but just not too our taste. Oh well, that's how the soup sometimes simmers!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Way to try some new things! I agree, 'pumpkin' and 'soup' just doesn't simmer well with me! : )

Sunday Randomness #232: technical difficulties

 Sorry folks, we're experiencing technical difficulties and hope to have an actual post later on today.