Thursday, October 14, 2010

Author 63: Lady Bird Johnson's wildflowers with Kathi Appelt

A thoroughly enchanting picture book of bright flowers and detailed plants celebrating the work of the Lady Bird Johnson, First Lady and early environmentalist. Miss Lady Bird helped to clean the highways and byways of our great country by encouraging the passage of legislation banning the disposal of garbage along roadsides. The First Lady championed wildflowers and local flowers in public and private yards. She also planted many flowers of her own wherever she lived. The book reminded us that we have the power to help make the world a beautiful place where ever we may live-even if it is in the simplicity of planting a native flower. Another accomplishment was that she helped start the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at the University of Texas at Austin. They seek to identify and preserve native species of wildflowers, plants and natural landscapes all across North America. Find out more about the center and plants for your state at:

Kathi Appelt has many more picture books and books for for older readers too!
Read more about this book and other books by Kathi Appelt at:

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