Monday, September 19, 2011

Macinsurance for the ones you kinda love

It's finally here! Now one person in our family can file a claim with our local grocery store in case of loss or theft of kraft macaroni and cheese. Said claim must be filed by November 30, 2011 and has a limited value of the current price of one 7.25 oz box of KRAFT Macaroni and Cheese Dinner or $1.60, with the lesser amount to be awarded. Claimant is responsible for any and all associated government fees including, but not limited too, sales tax.

We received a certificate from KRAFT after requesting it on the internet. The coupon is all that we have received and we have received no other form of compensation. Thanks also to for enabling me to add the "void" to the coupon to avoid any complication from any possible individual or entity possibly thinking they (he/she/it) could copy the coupon from this blogpost and try and redeem the coupon.

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: