Thursday, November 10, 2011

Author 87: Harry Potter Magic Eye Book

Who remembers when the 3D pictures were all the rage? Every mall had a store or a kiosk displaying and selling them along with the accompanying passersby who stood with furrowed brow and intense concentration that inevitably was followed by two common responses:
  1. a knowing ah.... moment followed by a response of "Do you see it? or That's so cool!"
  2. or a disgruntled shake of the head and the occasioned comment along the line of "These things give me a headache."
I have to admit, I was often standing with the second crowd. Even with the book and the helpful tips, I just get a pounding headache without being able to see the hidden picture within the pictures.
So congratulations to those of you in the first crowd who can actually see the 3D hidden images. For many more Magic Eye Books, see the official website at:

In related artichoke art, we thought these two partially consumed artichokes resembled the sorting hat in different ways. See how many similarities and differences you think these artichokes have with the real sorting hat.

Interestingly, both artichokes were purchased at the same time from the same store yet they were obviously two different varieties. My guess would be a Green Globe on the left and a Big Heart on the right based upon the side cut views from this artichoke site: They were both delicious. (Is it slightly cannibalistic to eat something that vaguely resembles a fictional talking hat?)

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: