Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Randomness #273 Candy Vitamins

Step right up, step right up, Get yerself and yers family sum of these here delishus L'il Critters Gummy Vites!  Full of good fur ya multi-vitamins and mineeerals!  Shur to help whatere ails ya! Tho' these mite look like them candee ones, these little bears are packed with good stuffs!  Gots natural colors and flavors-none of that ther' artificially stuff in these here vitamens. Yous gots your cherries, tropical punch, orangeey,  lemony, and  fancy white grape flavors all in one bottle!  And for thos' of yuh that's got allergees?  Ther's no gluten, milk, eggs, peanuts or soy to be fohnd in any a one of these!  Plus they's got that ther' seal of approoval from those three fellers from the Chef's Best for BEST TASTE 2011.  Yous can take 'em with mama's approvin' of these l'il beasty candees!

So get yerself some squishy, squashy, chewy, gooey, chomp smackin', chewy, beary, goodness today by buying yur very own bottle of Gummy Vites!

Our opinion: They're an easy and yummy way to remember to take vitamins on occasion.

(Disclaimer: We bought the vitamins on our own and have not been paid, compensated, rewarded,  punished or even acknowledged for our opinion on this product.)

1 comment:

Rachel Lemblé said...

We have purchased these vitamins. Only problem is differentiating them from candy... William would take the entire bottle.

Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: