Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Randomness #316: Old phones and it's a table not a desk

I found this old ad for phones-note the sale ended on January 14, 1984.  So these were the new styles and models when I was in school.  Just thought it was something fun to reminisce about with all the changes.  

 It's a table not a desk! For this second section of the post I really should have posted this last year when Mica was at this particular apartment up at school.  These pictures were taken at the end of the semester but the incident happened at the beginning of the Spring semester 2013.  Her roommate had a "desk"  (table imitating a desk) like the one on the top and Mica's side had no desk.   I asked about a desk with drawers, saying that in my experience a desk had drawers.  The complex manager said they might have some old desks with drawers out back and the facilities people found Mica one of the last ones.  

Yes, it's beat up but Mica much preferred her old beat up desk with drawers than the new desk without drawers (table imitating a desk).  Maybe this complex has gone back to traditional desks-either that or they haven't updated their promotional photos to reflect that tables have replaced the desks.  I maintain that a desk should have at least one drawer (if not multiple drawers) otherwise I think it's a table not a desk.  

And we leave you with more semantics with this "Monkey" video from Bob and Larry:

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Sunday Randomness #276 The Common Cold and Aging

   I think I'm just going to leave this link here: