Thursday, August 27, 2015

Author #138: Elys Dolan mash-up Star Trek and Star Wars in Nuts In Space

I lost track of how many times I laughed aloud while reading Nuts in Space written and illustrated by Elys Dolan.  If you like sci-fi, this book is for you!  Ms.Dolan has a funny blog over at:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Author #137: Laura Purdie Salas conceptualizes water in its many forms

Water takes many forms and performs multiple functions.  Learn more about water and its many disguises in Water Can Be... by Laura Purdie Salas with soft and muted illustrations by Violeta Dabija.  For more on water conservation, visit

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Randomness #302: Jack faces off with a zucchini

 What is this thing and why is it on my chair?!?!?!?

 I'll just ignore it.  Zucchini is a squash too ordinary for me to give it much attention-especially when it was a gift squash. If we had grown it there might have been some reflected glory but we can't take any credit for this giant chair-stealing veggie.

Ball number 6 (the little orange thing nestled in my fur) and I are just taking a little break from playing.  Most of the time I fiercely attack and chase my multiple little rubber ball nemeses.  I'm really on a roll when I bat one down the stairs.

Yes, that is correct.  One should kneel before royalty.  I approve of your abject humbleness when faced with my regal bearing and demeanor.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Author #136: The sweetness of Mutts creator Patrick McDonnell in "A Perfectly Messed Up Story"

Patrick McDonnell shares A Perfectly Messed-Up Story in this delightful tale featuring Louie and his story as it unfolds with a few words of wisdom on the proper treatment of books and to keep reading even when all is not going as you had planned.  Visit Mr. McDonnell's website for more about his books and a look at his Mutts Comic strip which has been delighting audiences since 1994

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Author #135: The wind has colors with George Mendoza and J.L. Powers

J.L. Powers tells the story of bling artist and champion runner, George Mendoza, in the book, Colors of the Wind which contains paintings by George Mendoza.  For more about Mr. Mendoza visit his google page at:

Mr. Mendoza creates bright and beautiful pieces of life with his art and set the world record for a mile by a blind runner in 1980.  He continues to paint today.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...