Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 7 (Finally!)

I don't know who the contractor was for the sidewalk but they did a fantastic job.  They were clean, efficient, prepared, and had that sidewalk done in a matter of about 4-6 weeks over a four-block section.  At first most sections looked like this-marked off with yellow:

And a year later here are what some of the areas look like:

 Corner home down at the bottom of the street.

 Some sections still look like the sidewalk ends abruptly due to the parameters set under the original construction.

Here's the flower corner (below) that they re-did with a red cement mix:

Other people put in new vegetation to frame the sidewalk including trees and shrubs as shown below.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Western flick soundtrack-The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

 The Ballad of Buster Scruggs came out in 2018 and aired on Netflix.  I haven't seen the movie which is rated R (mostly for strong violence) and comprises six fictional tales of the old west.  I got the soundtrack anyway and I did enjoy it so I might try to see the movie sometime.   The CD is  comprised of mostly instrumental pieces with a few songs scattered in the album.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 6

Part 6:  Odds and Ends

Some more pictures of equipment:

 A small sidewalk addition

Chaining the equipment so it wouldn't "walk off".

Another driveway and some cutting into the small hillside before putting in the sidewalk.

Putting in new fencing next to the sidewalk.

They actually came back and did some different cement work by some areas like this corner with the flowers.  Look for a post with some newer pictures this upcoming Sunday.

In some areas the work was not continuous.  The contractor would pour the sections that were ready to go and then came back to pour in areas that needed more prep such as the example below where there's a very abrupt difference between the raw and finished product. 

 They even had port-a-potties for the crew.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 5

Part 5:   Pouring part of a new driveway

Other locations needed work on areas connected to the new sidewalk such as a large section of a driveway as seen below.

A stack of rebar waiting to be cut and placed.

 The finished driveway with the connecting, sloping sidewalk and the new asphalt strip connecting the road to the gutter.

Further down on the property they had completed the concrete work on the corner but still needed to do the sidewalk further up and some asphalt work.

  Then they moved on to the other side of the road and started working on the corner with the telephone pole.

Another area with freshly poured driveway.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 4

Part 4: New sidewalk with retaining walls

Some areas needed more prep work than others and needed additional reinforcement in the way of retaining walls next to the new sidewalk.

Below is the before picture with a block retaining wall to the right protecting the neighbor's driveway from run-off.  I assume that they were addressing drainage concerns to back dig into this yard and bring in so much fill material. 

 Here's after pictures showing the block retaining wall and the new cement retaining wall along with the new sidewalk

Below are some examples of placing the forms to make the gutter portion of the sidewalk.

 Next, they added additional rebar for support and strength.

 Finally, in this third shot, you can see the before and after of the grid rebar support on the left and without it on the right (they did add the rebar to the right side before pouring cement).

They also did additional work for some properties such as pouring steps to make the home still accessible.

The final two pictures show the finished edges of the sidewalk sloping into the gutter and then into the street.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 3

Part 3 Starting on excavating next to the existing curb and gutter.  

 First they excavated between the homes and the existing curb and gutter.
 Then they brought in fill material to compact for the underlying bed before setting up the sidewalk forms and pouring the concrete.  The pictures with the excavator show digging up the existing lawn and working with the fill material (mostly gravel with some dirt in places).
 Once they had the fill in place and compacted with the smooth-wheeled roller, they started setting up the wood forms with rebar as shown in the shot with the stop sign.
 Another picture with the forms waiting for the concrete to be poured to form the new sidewalk, curb, and gutter.

 Now they've poured the sidewalk and it's set up nicely but they still have a gap between the new sidewalk gutter and the road.

In the final picture they've poured and smoothed new asphalt to match up the roadbed to the new sidewalk gutter.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sunday Randomness #239: A New Sidewalk in part acts Part 2

Part 2:
Here's some of the equipment used in building the new sidewalk:

 An Excavator

 Water truck to keep down the dust.

 Forms for marking out the curb and sidewalk prior to pouring the concrete.

 A smooth-wheeled roller
 (Here's a link to learn more about rollers used for compaction work:  thanks to Suryakanta for posting!)

 A little small bulldozer and another glimpse of the water truck.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...