Sunday, December 20, 2020

Sunday Randomness #8 : Local Ginger treat sampler

 There's a taste off site in Utah that I found out about from a friend.  We tried the ginger treat samples from the following local vendors:

1. Renee's Cheesecake     Gingerbread Swirl Cheesecake

2. The Mighty Baker       Molasses Cookie

3. The Baking Hive     Ginger Blondie

4. Parsons' Bakery Personalized Baking  Gingerbread Cookie

5. Browniesx3    Ginger Brownie

6. RubySnap   Virginia (Ginger Molasses Cookie)

Daisy and I liked the cheesecake and the molasses cookie #2 best.  Mica said they liked the cheesecake and the Virginia cookie #6 best.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday Randomness #112 : Puff Pancake for dinner

 Yes, puff pancake looks a little lumpy when out of the oven but the taste makes up for the weird bake shapes!  Our favorite recipe is from our good next door neighbors that lived to the west of us who shared it for the neighborhood cookbook. 

Puff Pancake
2 tbsp butter
3 eggs
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
1/4 tsp. salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Melt butter and place in 9 x 13 pan, swirling to coat bottom.  Beat eggs, add flour, milk, and salt  Mix well with rotary beater or in blender until smooth. Pour into pan and bake for about 25 minutes or until puffed and golden brown.  Top with desired toppings.  We've used powdered sugar, syrup, whipping cream, fresh fruit, nutella, etc....   You can easily double the recipe and it still fits as illustrated by the double batch baked in the 9 x 13 pan in the picture. 

About the only downside is that puff pancake doesn't reheat well.  You can eat the leftovers but it's really not the same, there's a rubbery consistency to the dish.  So if possible, try to eat as much as you can as soon as it comes out of the oven.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Sunday Randomness #204 : CSA shares from Borski Farms Part 5 (Last shares)

Popcorn, leeks, dried salsa mix, dried peppers, squash, apples, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and a pie pumpkin! First share was July 1st, last share was 15 weeks later on October 7th.
We missed a share due to surgery and we ended up donating the items to my co-workers.  It contained: 
Red and Gold potatoes
Red onions
Bartlett pears
Winter squash

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Throwback Thursday #11 : Old (Vintage) shampoo bottles

 St. Ives Swiss Formula Papaya Plus, Halsa, Pert, Head and Shoulders in a glass container, and Denorex.    St. Ives is still around but they aren't making shampoo anymore.  They have a large line of facial and body wash products and lotions.        Halsa shampoo was around in the eighties but has since been discontinued.   Pert shampoo is still around but the packing looks a lot different.
Head and Shoulders is definitely still around:
  as is Denorex:


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Sunday Randomness #204 : CSA shares from Borski Farms Part 4

Over halfway through the season with weeks ten through twelve with carrots, apples, squash, corn, tomatoes, onions, peppers, purple potatoes, pears, cucumber, and acorn squash.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Sunday Randomness #204 : CSA shares from Borski Farms Part 3

More hot peppers, onions, peaches, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, yellow watermelon, swiss chard, beans, melon, potatoes, and greens came our way for weeks seven through nine.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Sunday Randomness #204 : CSA shares from Borski Farms Part 2

Weeks four through six saw green beans, heirloom beets, cucumbers, peppers, blackberries, more garlic and corn, potatoes, apricots, shitake mushrooms, cantaloupe, and more.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Randomness #204 : CSA shares from Borski Farms Part 1

We participated in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) with some co-workers this growing season.  Fifteen shares-starting July 1, 2020 and ending with the last share on Oct, 7, 2020. 
We received things such as micro greens, anasazi beans, garlic, rainbow carrots, apricots, cherries, kale, corn, local cheese, peppers, squash, beets, and salad greens in the first three weeks.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Randomness #431 : Safety/security and some stick silliness

We give out both NALOXONE and Gun Locks for free at the Salt Lake County Libraries-just come and ask for one or both.  No questions asked in return.
B has been accumulating a collection of chew sticks.  Her favorites?  The burnt twisted chunk in the picture along with the gnawed log of hardwood with the end bark chewed off.
Another favorite?  Daisy's socks.  She'll sneak into Daisy's room and emerge racing out with a stolen sock.  Here she's trying to steal one right off Daisy's foot!  B recently went in for a check up-she's pushing fifty pounds at 48.8 lbs and got a clean bill of health and simparica for  ticks and fleas as well as new heartworm medicine  (Tri-heart Plus).  They did a number of tests including checking for heartworm, a thorough ear exam, and fecal exam for worms.  We've been working with her to clip her nails and it's the only time she gets some hot dog warmed up and cut into tiny pieces. Daisy feeds her hot dog bits and I hurry (but carefully!) clip just the ends off her nails.  It works!


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Throwback Thursday #31 : Baskin-Robbins 31 flavor list of ice cream 1971

Here's the 31 flavor list from Baskin-Robbins back in a 1971 ad.  For a more recent take on their flavors, visit their website at  Just know that the online menu of flavors may or may not match the flavors at your local store. We recently did a taste test and thought that Baskin-Robbins has some of the best mint chocolate chip ice cream around.  It was much better than any of the 1/2 dozen or so brands we bought from the store-some of which were more expensive than Baskin-Robbins!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Movies in F, G, and H for kids and Animation for adults

More kids flicks and anime and animation in the adult section which can include a lot of different types of animated movies from manga made into movies to cartoons to tv series to specials.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Randomness #46 : Ballot Drop Box Locations

Salt Lake County Ballot Drop Box Locations:

Using the ballot drop box locations is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make sure your vote is counted with your mail-in ballot.  Please vote.  Your opinion does matter and does make a difference.

Live in Utah County? Here are your locations:

And Davis County?   Your vote is counted through the drop boxes located here:

 Jack and Buffy both say "Please Vote!"

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Throwback Thursday #99 : Organization Solicitation

Many organizations rely on fundraising and pledges and contributions and the like to build, maintain, and operate functions.  I just never realized how expensive it was to operate even back in 1969.  I had forgotten too how women went by their husband's name with Mrs. added to it.  Now most organizations list the individual's name and there is no Mr, Mrs, Ms or title added.

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Movies in A and B for children and Adventure for adults

We have so many movies...and you can place any of them on hold!  Looking for a new title or an old favorite or something just new to watch?  Check the catalog online.  Many local libraries probably have literally hundreds of titles of movies you have yet to see throughout their systems just like at the Salt Lake County Library System.  Your library is a perfect place to help you access new and old favorites in movies, music, magazines, and books!

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Throw Back Thursday #18 : Dogs, Animal Control, Salt Lake City History, 1961

 Here are parts of an old brochure on being a good dog neighbor.  It was published for Salt Lake City Animal Control as a public service by the Ralston Purina Co.  It does have a copyright on the brochure for 1961  and I would guess it's accurate based on this online comparison:  It fits the criteria and is 9 pages in length in its entirety.

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Follow-up on drain cleaning

This lovely hairball strand is from a bathroom sink that has a strainer basket.  Stuff still slips through so snaking the drain occasionally is definitely a good thing.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Randomness #284 : Simple cheapo plastic snake shower drain cleaning

 Take cover off drain by taking out the screw(s).
 Remove hair that is trapped at the top.
 Get out cheapo plastic drain snake thing.
Use snake by twisting to catch hair and debris and slowly and carefully pull out.  Be prepared to plug nose.  Carefully disentangle gross wad of matted hair gunk and throw in the garbage. (It's easier if you have gloves or a cleaning wipe [baby wipes or cleaning wipes both work well] and pull the gunk up past the teeth of the snake and then just pull it away.)  Clean snake thoroughly.  Put drain cover back on and screw into place.  Run some water to make sure the drain is clear.    We usually have to follow this procedure about every three to four months but it's cheap and effective so I'm willing to keep doing it.  I also scrubbed some of the floor with cleaner and a toothbrush but I really need to clean it more thoroughly and recaulk some areas.

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...