Sunday, November 28, 2021

Eating out in Logan in the Fall 2021

Weller's Bistro.  197 N. Main St, Layton, UT

We got the Goulash with spƤtzle but subbed out the sauerkraut for rotkohl.  Everything was so good!  We only shared a dish but we both liked it and will definitely be back.

Maddox in Perry, UT.  I went here with Daisy in August and again in September.  Both times I felt the food was good comfort food but too heavy for my taste.  We decided we will not be back to Maddox for most of their menu but some items stood out such as their batter rolls.

Aggie ice cream.  Not to be missed if you like ice cream at all!


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Sunday Randomness #73 : Anniversary Inn Logan, UT (Three part post) Part Three

Third night was in the African Safari at Anniversary Inn at their Logan location.  This is one of their larger rooms.  You can close the tent side curtains to make it feel more like you're sleeping in a tent. 
Gorgeous room with plenty of eye-candy from the faux fur bedspread to the statuary around the room.
King-sized bed.
Fancy carpets.
Toilet with a door.

Swan towels!
Nice bubbler tub but I think I like the traditional jetted tubs better.  The bubbler tub is really loud.
Comfy tv chairs.
Costume for this room was a tiger sleeper.  (Yes, I know, tigers are Asia, not Africa, but it's what I had in the closet at home and I was trying to keep costs to a bare minimum.)
By the third day of sight-seeing and traveling and eating new foods we were exhausted.  Ready to just sleep off the meal of the day before heading back home the next day.

Every room had a notebook where guests can leave comments.  We left comments and a picture.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Sunday Randomness #73 : Anniversary Inn Logan, UT (Three part post) Part Two

 The second room we stayed in was the Pirate's Paradise room at the Logan location of Anniversary Inn.

The pirate tiles in the shower were a nice touch, as was the toilet paper on a door knob holder.  The bathroom just has a black curtain for privacy-no door.  

There was a cut-out with a pirate chest filled with pirate booty such as fancy bottles and tableware.
The room is a long rectangle with the tv at the far end, tub off to the side in the middle, and the bed in the far back.  It looks longer than it actual is so it wasn't hard to watch tv from the bed.  
The netting over the bed was clean (I was worried it would be dusty but they keep everything really clean at Anniversary Inn.) with a stuffed lobster and other marine life around the room.

We really liked the beautiful painted mural on the mirror glass.

I almost wish they had mentioned though that it's a long, semi-steep, narrow set of stairs going up and down to the room.  I admit I feel bad for their staff bringing up a loaded breakfast tray.

The costume for this room was a simple blouse and skirt with vest, and a scarf headband.  I bought these cool light up power ranger swords that make sounds when they make contact with each other and other items with flashing lights.  
They had a couple of simple plastic cutlass swords in the room and we tried to do a timed picture.  This was the best of the bunch.

The Pirate's Paradise was lots of fun with many themed items to take in around the room.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday Randomness #73 : Anniversary Inn Logan, UT (Three part post) Part one

Anniversary Inn has multiple locations - two in Salt Lake City, one in Logan, and the fourth in Boise, ID.  We recently stayed at a few rooms at their Logan location.  I like the pictures on their website but I wish sometimes that those pictures displayed more of the detail and breadth of the themed quality of the rooms.  So here we'll share a  few PG rated posts of our pictures.  PG because these rooms are designed for adult patrons - more a "look and don't touch"  says the ambience of the rooms.  

The first night we stayed in the Hollywood Romance room which came with complimentary sodas and pre-popped popcorn in the popcorn bucket.  (The popcorn machine in the picture? That was just for show.)  We paid the extra $5 to get the bite size dessert sampler plate with brownie, lemon bar, raspberry chocolate, and magic bars. They give you a bottle of sparkling cider in your room and deliver a full breakfast for both people the next morning as part of the room price.  In the past they also gave you a couple of slices of complimentary cheesecake but now it's a $5.00 add-on.

The petals and champagne flutes with Hershey kisses, rubber duckies, and bath bomb were a surprise from Buffy's park dog friends parents.

I had a crazy idea to dress up for each of the rooms-a rich robe and fake rose made for a cute costume for the Hollywood Romance Room at Anniversary Inn in Logan, UT.  

Monday, November 15, 2021

Author #185 : Hearts and Homes with Emma Dodd

 Home Is Where The Heart Is written and illustrated by Emma Dodd.  This book is just one of many sweet titles by an author with so many gentle and wise offerings in the publishing world.  Ms. Dodd has a Facebook page at:  

Author #184 : Peter Raymundo Bunnies? Fish?

The Mysterious Sea Bunny by Peter Raymundo published by Dial Books for Young Readers in 2021 is  a light-hearted look at sea slugs-one of which looks like a bunny.  Peter Raymundo wrote and illustrated this clever look at a lesser known marine creature located on the ocean floor.  He also wrote and illustrated I Am Not A Fish! which came out in 2019.  Visit his website at to see more of his wonderful work.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Author #183 : Amy Richau with Star Wars I Love You I Know Lessons in Love and Friendship

 Communication is key in most relationships.  Do we remember to communicate well with those with whom we live?  Amy Richau shares pictures and examples from the Star Wars universe in the book I Love You.  I Know. published by DK of Penguin Random House in 2021.

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Author #182 : The Survivor Tree by Gaye Sanders brings hope after OK bombing in 1995

 The Survivor Tree by Gaye Sanders and illustrated by Pamela Behrend published by The RoadRunner Press in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 2017.  Learn more about the memorial and the America Elm tree at the museum website at:  This beautiful book shares the hopeful story of the tree that stood outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and came back after the bombing when almost everyone thought it was dead.  Seedlings from the tree have been planted all over the United States. 

Author #181 : Mara Rockliff introduces Pioneering Filmmaker Alice Guy-Blache

 Lights! Camera! Alice! The Thrilling True Adventures of the First Woman Filmmaker by Mara Rockliff and illustrated by Simona Ciraolo and published by Chronicle Books in San Francisco in 2018.  Alice was a inventive pioneering filmmaker-doing such innovative things like running the film backward, stop motion filming so that objects appeared to move on their own, hand coloring frames (see the gypsy film), and added sound before other filmmakers had figured out how to do such things.  Unfortunately a number of Alice's films were credited to men-some of whom had never even made a film  She chronicled her life story and eventually in the 1980's it came to light and was published in America.  Thanks to the sons of Leon Gaumont who found information in their father's papers and made it public in France she received the Legion of Honor in 1955.  Thank you to "Looking For Alice" who has compiled a number of short films made by Alice Guy-Blache.  See some of these films at:

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Authors #180 : Ann Hazzard, Marianna Celano, and Marietta Collins share how to help handle the strong emotion of fear


Doctors Ann Hazzard, Marianna Celano, and Marietta Collins are all psychologists who worked together at the Emory University School of Medicine and have worked for over twenty years with childrenā€™s behavioral health and social justice. They collaborated together to write the book entitled: Something Happened In Our Park: Standing Together After Gun Violence.  Illustrations are by Keith Henry Brown. The book explores the hard emotions after a cousin living with family is shot in the leg while attending a concert at a local park. The book shares some of the fears and how the characters in the story address those fears through art, talking with each other, coming up with ideas to change the neighborhood through community action, and how to move forward when you feel like you canā€™t move because of fear.  At the end of the story there are several pages of information in the readerā€™s note section. Some of the ideas the authors shared about dealing with anxiety include expressing feelings, encouraging positive thinking, and taking action. Find more information at:

Author #179 : Jane Goodall shares a story about pangolins


Pangolina by Jane Goodall and pictures by Daishu Ma  Published by Minedition (a division of Astra Publishing House) in 2021.  This fictionalized story of a young Pangolin shares her growing up in the forest, learning to hunt and eat termites, getting captured, and what happens after her captor tries to sell her. Written by the world-renowned conservationist, Jane Goodall, this is a sweet entry about an unusual mammal.  Pangolins are endangered around the world because they are the most trafficked species.  Habitat destruction and use of pangolin scales and meat account for much of the decline in the species.   Find out more about how you can help at:

Sunday Randomness #270: Obstacle course and zip line in a pet store!

On a fairly recent trip there was a pet store with an obstacle course and small zip line at the end of the course.  The course went around t...